Your Voice Matters: The Vital Importance of the Upcoming MN Secretary of State Election


Did you know that your voice matters? It becomes even more critical during the upcoming Minnesota Secretary of State election.

In this upcoming election, Minnesotans have the power to elect a secretary of state that can impact voter registration, access, and participation in democracy, do you want to be part of that solution?

The Minnesota Secretary of State oversees the state's elections – from voting methods to election officials’ administration. Voting is an essential right for all Americans, regardless of their background or status, and as such, having a qualified officeholder in place will impact its exercise significantly.

This event happens just two years after former secretary of state Steve Simon challenged the proposal question asking if voters must require an ID in order to register rather than only poll book signatures. Though the words revealed the challenge was on, voters ultimately dismissed it to prevent the former limits in allowing registration of voters.

Some of the critical reasons for ensuring we have a conscientious Secretary of State are:

  1. eliminating any form of voter suppression or discrimination - this is essential for fair and proper elections
  2. encouraging voter turnout, did you know that historically, turnout rates in midterm elections are lower than in presidential elections? So there’s still so much work to be done!
  3. Finally, voter education can positively modify turnout rates. We require governance from Secretary of State with diligence in the educational field to impart info relevant to relate on-voter data.

As registrations open up, and campaigns vie for votes to create awareness beforehand, Minnesota boasts an unusual culture of disproportionate levels of disenfranchised black and brown voters, postponing political investment.

The reason why this post is most important now is that every individual should be actively playing their role as #togetherADLED2VOTE educates people on the essence of intentional voting,

Engage with the upcoming secretary of state candidates, ask critical questions about their leadership style, what accomplishments they’re overwhelmingly proud of in their past positions, and how they plan to enhance and grow voter participation by Minnesotans.

If you've never had an appetite in politics before - this year could be the best for you to take your first step- do your due diligence, and help spread the message to vote towards an excellent and admirable candidate into the Leading Office of Public Office - The Secretary of State's seat, and be known as an advocate for this excellent cause – Make sure every voice counts!


The upcoming election of the Minnesota Secretary of State will be instrumental in shaping the state's future. The individual who holds this position is one of the key influencers who can uphold the state's democracy and safeguard our voting rights. Minnesota has gained national recognition for its fair elections and high voter turnout. But this didn't come unfettered, and it takes constant monitoring, regulation, and innovation to keep up.

Role of the Secretary of State

The role of the Secretary of State goes beyond being the chief election official. They also run and maintain business registries and regulate charitable organizations. But voting and elections are their prime charge. Among other tasks, the Secretary's office oversees the integrity of voter roll management, checks if voting equipment is functioning correctly, and ensures that ballot accessibility laws are followed.

Prior Experience Counts

The role of an MN Secretary of State demands knowledge and competence to a large degree. Anyone who hopes to handle it must have experience in voter protection, policymaking, public relations, and more. It's common for candidates to have herded county or governor positions before putting forth superintendent of the state's table when seeking an elected Secretary's award.

Running Opponents

The 2022 race to become MN's Secretary of State includes two famous adversaries. Incumbent GOP Knoblach Anderson will face Melissa Hortman, a Democrat speaker of the house. Anderson has worked on streamlining errors in voter registration, approving experimental polling stations, and monitoring election biases. Whereas, Hortman, a speaker of the house, has extensive legislative experience in fighting voter suppression and advancing democratic policies.

Campaigning Platforms

Anderson has campaigned much of his re-nominating campaign moments keeping election systems smooth instantly and precisely noting that faith in voting devices suffered tremendously nationally in 2020. His competing Democrat, Hortman, has offered high tech initiatives that would reward nonpartisan projects powered outside interest lobbies. Beyond policy disagreements, certain issues their ventures include same-day voting, block mail efforts supported each explanation enforced while distant applications assist with incorporation interactions.

The Importance of Adhering to Voting Laws

Preserving the high voter turnout rate that Minnesota experiences, presently one of the best in the nation, depends upon successful implementation of implemented legislation. It discourages partisan manipulation and corruption to get such regulations enacted and handles periodic ballot-form redrawings - boundaries violations crucial grassroots Democratic operation criteria. These activities provide for equal representation of all voters.

Minnesota Secretary of State Candidates Party Affiliation Prior Experience
John Howe Republican Former mayor and senator
Judy Schwank Democratic Served in the House of Representatives and Senate

Endorsements Can Influence Elections

Endorsements can bring additional validation to a candidate on which to build, although they guarantee unproven trustworthiness. Hortman admires when Congresswoman Ilhan Omar of MN pledged her candidacy conveniently. Key has also projected critical guidance for the former vice-president's endorsement and AFL-CIO unions even failed to express formal endorsement support for Anderson at the hour when elections require maintaining equal progress measurable expectations from organizations who fail not perform enough analysis to gauge long-term dedication to popular interests.

The Role of Activism

Activism and calls to action demonstrate that ordinary citizens equally engage in Minnesota politics. Expanding efforts related to environmental sustainability, education policy improvements, gun reform programs, effective criminal justice proposals, enhances the vibrant Minnesota culture. Issues know no equal categories, like voter ID policies. Put candidates on edge to push for fair governance.


Voters have the power to make a choice but with their vote comes significant responsibility. A well-informed vote protects our civil rights and strengthens democracy, something that requires vigilance and a commitment to just rules. Vote for transparency, equal opportunities for all, and enhanced practical techniques that predict constitutional principles featuring out-groups communities cultures.

As a citizen of Minnesota, you have the power to make a difference in this upcoming election for the Secretary of State. Your voice matters and your vote counts towards shaping the future path of our state. The vital importance of this decision is not to be taken lightly or ignored. Make an informed decision by researching candidates and their stances on important issues. We urge you to exercise your right to vote and play an active role in shaping the fate of our state. Remember, every vote counts!

Thank you for reading and we hope you have found this article informative and inspiring. Make a difference by making your voice heard in this upcoming election!

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the upcoming MN Secretary of State Election?

The MN Secretary of State Election is a statewide election in Minnesota to choose the next Secretary of State. The Secretary of State is responsible for overseeing elections, maintaining official state records, and managing business filings.

Why is this election important?

The Secretary of State plays a critical role in ensuring fair and secure elections in Minnesota. The outcome of this election will impact the integrity of our electoral system and the ability of Minnesotans to exercise their right to vote.

When is the election?

The MN Secretary of State Election will be held on November 3, 2020, which is also the date of the US Presidential Election.