Why Every American Deserves a Voice: Fight for Election Day to be Declared a National Holiday.


A democracy that doesn't allow every voice to be heard and every vote to count is destined for chaos. Voting is a constitutional right that every American deserves, but does everyone actually have the freedom and accessibility to exercise that right?

Imagine having to choose between earning your daily bread or casting your ballot that could change the trajectory of your country? That's the reality of many Americans. Millions struggle with the mere idea of taking time off work to go and cast their vote. Should it be so hard to carry out one's civic duties?

We love statistics. Here's one: In 2016, 33% of eligible Americans didn't cast a ballot. That's over 100 million citizens! What can we do to bridge this gap and encourage all Americans to engage in electing officials that affect their daily lives? Declare Election Day as a national holiday. It would give everyone adequate time to cast their ballot without the busy schedules and restrictions associated with work.

The stark reality is that only a small number of Americans are pushing forward priorities that are not in the majority. A government for the people must be elected by the people. Silence is assent. Lack of action is faint consent. Why leave our democracy and nation at the mercy of a few when we can all make our voices heard via the voting booth?

Changing policy is not an overnight gig, but we're confident that declaring Election Day as a national holiday will be a big step towards better citizen engagement. More than anything, short voting days reminiscent of the Great Depression and obnoxious lines usually mean overlooking portions of society which can suffer system discriminations massive voter suppression. Most notably for minorities, working-class populations, and students whose continued socio-economic progress depends heavily on those who secure State power.

Maybelline rocked it for 20 years; we give you history, why did washing hands, according to public health advice become a secondary?! From germs to Covid-19, we all know the menace these pesky critters can bring. The world has woken up to how leaders' decisions, every decision, impacts individuals extensively. Change is in motion.

Attend live music festivals because #YOLO is rapidly losing ground as depression infects huge populations via life frustrations. When people see their voices crfully voided by electoral systems, Voter suppressions may be imposed lightly via s false majority. Mobilizing for equal voting rights should therefore be non-negotiable. Make your vote or it'll be bruv, until four longly years I do thee snatch, amen!

Wrapping up, governance involves citizens at every stage laid forth in constitution-making law. Justice and equity, however, seem volatile. If a day-off can extend consent without harsh laws limiting suffrage altogether, it makes more sense spanning beyond citizens widely equitable obligations, irrespective of trends or racial paradigms. Fight for a national holiday to assert your democratic representation, because you deserve always to have your voice reflected. #Yourvotetrulycounts, won’t you pledge that beacon of movement?

The Importance of Voting

Voting is an integral part of American democracy, as it allows citizens to exercise their right to participate in government and express their opinions. However, enrollment and participation have steadily decreased in recent years, suggesting a lack of interest in political issues, disenfranchisement among minorities or low-income communities, or simply the inability to navigate restrictive voting procedures. Congress must push for the designation of Election Day as a federal holiday to ensure that every citizen has easy, straightforward voting access.

Inadequate Access to Voting

There are several significant problems with our public reimbursement system, including lack of support for diversity, unemployed individuals, forced migrants, rural residents, Indigenous communities, and Veterans. Many polls across the country restrict early voting days, add flocks of paperwork, require voter identification, modify polling places without clear warning, as well as upload unnecessary technical difficulties. Consequently, numerous voters simply lack ample access opportunities and sufficient resources to attain necessary election day

The Leveling Effect of a National Holiday

Creating a national holiday on Election Day will usher in advantages such as leveling the playing field in so far as allowing working citizens to take the time off if need be. If you recall surveys from previous voting events amid prior decades, corporate workplaces with an array of traditional weekday vacancies witnessed flag-wielding unionist states purposely bussing employees to the polling ranks to add to the tally. Universal accreditation for this requisite employment set fast owing to ethical objections by different industries unprepared to compel their unpaid employee grounds.'

Increase Voter Engagement and Participation

A federally established day of election availability not only permits everyone—one may complete other tasks forward-looking— more comfortably enthrone for president, but also encourages constituent mobilization along the campaign course. If the day off sufficed as a comprehensive holiday, electoral workers driving poll site positions would also feel less rushed, enhancing logistic operations.

The Importance of Balancing Elections+ Public Ceremony Roles

User research confirms that 80% of registered voters in America engage extensively with good-willed ballot positioning placing multiple candidates based on various attributes stemming from concise and lengthy electoral reviews. Therefore, the abundance of volunteers required when the government considers holding federal elections on legal counsels& performances via chosen public edifices ground election types possible proper acquaintances while adequately rewarding responsibility governing practical functions with subsequent inspections.

It's Time for Change - American Deserves a Voice

Voting should no longer be an excuse—a luxury some people can afford while others cannot. The solution lies in setting aside Election Day as a federally holiday party, helping everyone annwer towards an even broader socio-political culture shift. Citizens currently underserved, undergoing systemic bias or actuated to abstain plus minorities rightfully won the acquisition of acceptable majoritarian leadership through faith-bearing selection conductibility after normal orientation check-in databases have been satisfied.

Disadvantages Advantages
Injustice and ranking Nation has balanced priorities and governs efficiently
Numerical restriction feedback policy A vast majority of Americans might feel a measure of contentment knowing Election Day carries the same weight as Thanksgiving or the Fourth of July to Americans being celebrated as a central event yearly across the country
Relying implicit Voter anxiety Voter participation foster dialogue between governors and the public, essential informers about various volatile dynamics coursing thorough Election Day implication.

The Bottom Line

American Democracy is built upon the foundational pillars of freedom, equality, and fairness. It's time Congress facilitates efforts to recognize these core values by enacting new policies to defend them empathetically. Make national reverence toward picking America's frontrunner against total sleights enabling ingrained power and routine corruption fall under the sway of once nondeterministic pariahs.

When we live in a country that proclaims itself the land of the free, every American deserves to have their voice heard. Yet, millions of eligible voters are unable to take part in elections due to various reasons, including limited time off from work. It's time to recognize the importance of every vote and declare Election Day a national holiday.

By declaring Election Day as a national holiday, we are ensuring that everyone has an opportunity to participate in our democracy without any hindrances. It's time that we take strides towards better voter turnout and equal representation for all. Every voice matters, and it's only when we all come together that we can build a strong and just nation.

As a community, let's fight for this change and ensure that every citizen has an opportunity to vote. Whether you lobby on behalf of this vital issue, sign petitions or educate those around you, we can give everyone a future they deserve. The power lies in our hands to create a better society for ourselves and future generations.

Start making your voice heard today!

Here's an example of the FAQPage in Microdata with mainEntity for a webpage about Why Every American Deserves a Voice: Fight for Election Day to be Declared a National Holiday:```

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do we need to declare Election Day a national holiday?

Declaring Election Day a national holiday would ensure that every American has the opportunity to participate in our democracy without having to choose between work and voting. It would also help to increase voter turnout and strengthen our democracy.

What are the benefits of declaring Election Day a national holiday?

There are several benefits to declaring Election Day a national holiday, including: increased voter turnout, greater accessibility for working Americans, strengthened democracy, and increased civic engagement and participation.

How can I support the effort to declare Election Day a national holiday?

You can support the effort by contacting your elected representatives and urging them to support legislation that would declare Election Day a national holiday. You can also spread the word about the importance of this issue and encourage others to get involved.

What can I do if I am unable to take time off work to vote on Election Day?

If you are unable to take time off work to vote on Election Day, you may be able to vote early or by mail. Be sure to check with your state's election officials to find out what options are available to you.

What are some of the challenges to declaring Election Day a national holiday?

Some of the challenges to declaring Election Day a national holiday include: concerns about the economic impact of closing businesses, potential partisan opposition, and the need for coordination with state and local election officials.

What can I do to help increase voter turnout?

There are several things you can do to help increase voter turnout, including: encouraging friends and family members to vote, volunteering as a poll worker, supporting organizations that work to increase voter participation, and staying informed about the issues and candidates.

Why is it important to have a strong democracy?

Having a strong democracy is important because it ensures that all voices are heard and that the government is accountable to the people. A strong democracy also promotes stability, fairness, and equality, and helps to protect individual rights and freedoms.

Where can I learn more about the effort to declare Election Day a national holiday?