Vote for Change: Make Your Voice Heard in the Ohio Primary Election


Are you tired of the same old politics in Ohio? Do you believe things could be different if our government representatives truly represented the people? If so, the upcoming Ohio Primary Election could be your chance to bring about meaningful change.

According to recent statistics, voter turnout in Ohio has been disappointingly low in recent years, with only 25% of eligible voters casting a ballot in some elections. But imagine what kind of impact we could make if more of us decided to make our voices heard.

Voting isn't just a right, it's a responsibility. It's how we hold our elected leaders accountable and steer our state and country towards a better future. So why not use your vote in the Ohio Primary to make a real difference?

Whether you care about healthcare access, education, environmental issues, civil rights, or any other key issue facing our communities, the Ohio Primary Election is your chance to have a say. By voting for candidates who share your values and have concrete plans to make a difference, you can help shape our state's future.

So don't let others decide for you – it's time to take control and make your voice heard! Mark your calendars for the Ohio Primary on May 4th, and do your research beforehand to know which candidates align with your beliefs. And hey, if you need an extra incentive to head to the polls, remember – free stickers are always up for grabs.

Together we can make a positive change in Ohio, but it starts with our vote. Let's rock the vote and show that democracy still works!


The Importance of Voting in Primary Elections

Primary elections are a crucial part of the United States' political system, as they allow voters to choose who will represent their party on the ballot in the general election. These elections determine which candidates will have a chance to compete for public office, making it a critical decision for citizens to participate in.

Ohio Primary Election Dates and Deadlines

This year's Ohio primary election will be held on Tuesday, May 4th, 2021. The voter registration deadline is Monday, April 5th, enabling registered voters to request an absentee/mail-in ballot before April 27th.

The Candidates Running in Ohio

Total nine candidates from various parties are competing for Ohio census (apportionment board, 2021)

Name of CandidateParty
Evin BachelorRepublican Party
Independent Map Amendment Party of Ohio Prime Sponsor Nominee
Richard CordrayDemocratic Party
Made in America Jobs Tour Candidate
Betsy RaderDemocratic Party
Made in America Jobs Tour Candidate
Zack SpaceDemocratic Party
Made in America Jobs Tour Candidate
Kenneth J. HarbaughDemocratic Party
The People Candidate
Tom JacksonRepublican Party
Independent Map Amendment Party of Ohio Prime Candidate Nomineer
Mike GibbonsRepublican Party
The Greene County Tea Party Screening and Endorsement Representatives Rank Mike Gibbons Highest % Candidate / Simply the Best Endorse Endorsement (Dec 28 2017)
Carla RouttDemocratic Party
Stanley SedarGreen Party

Issues and Policies in the Ohio Primary Election

Just like any other election, the Ohio primary has certain issues that the candidates are addressing through their platforms, policies, and speeches. Some of the top issues most likely to take the center stage include healthcare, large-scale migration, and equitable tax reform. However, each candidate may interpret and address these problems differently.

How to Register to Vote in Ohio

The registration process in Ohio is quite simple, as it can now be done online. Potential voters will need a valid Ohio driver's license or state ID to get started. Alternatively, printable registration forms are available on the website homes for people website, and ready to register campaign which voters can print out and mail to the county board of elections addresses also found at homes for people website.

Why Every Vote Matters

A significant number of people seem to underestimate the significance of small voting margins in relationships to various contexts with refer to American Presidents elections very vividly impacting how America engages globally.

Your Voice Counts

Every vote counts; it is imperative now more than ever to voice your concerns regarding matters of national importance to you. Skipping important primaries means letting someone else decide your future. Make your ballot count, become a better citizen today!


In summation, primary elections are essential in Ohio given they provide a glimpse into who will be eligible for offices and shed light upon problems people care about the most specially in altering times of Novel viruses, globalization, and exponential technological disruption. Thus, informed voting results reward effective leadership to individuals stepping forth to make confident choices.

Thank you for taking the time to learn about the Ohio primary election and your right to vote. Remember that your voice matters and every vote counts. Don't let others make decisions for you - cast your ballot and be an active participant in shaping the future of our communities.

Get involved, educate yourself on the issues, and encourage others to do the same. Let's create a better tomorrow together by making our voices heard today. Vote for change!

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Vote for Change: Make Your Voice Heard in the Ohio Primary Election

What is the Ohio Primary Election?

The Ohio Primary Election is a state-level election where voters choose their preferred candidate for the upcoming general election.

Who is eligible to vote in the Ohio Primary Election?

To be eligible to vote in the Ohio Primary Election, you must be a registered voter in the state of Ohio and be at least 18 years old on or before Election Day.

How do I register to vote in the Ohio Primary Election?

You can register to vote in the Ohio Primary Election by visiting your local Board of Elections office, filling out a registration form online, or mailing in a registration form.

When is the Ohio Primary Election?

The Ohio Primary Election is scheduled for Tuesday, March 17, 2020.