The Make or Break Moment: Why Your Voice Matters in the Missouri Primary Election


The Missouri primaries are around the corner, and every vote counts. But did you know that your voice matters just as much as your vote?

Think about it - how many times have you heard someone say, “I’m not going to vote, my vote doesn’t matter”? Well, we’re here to tell you that it does. YOUR VOTE MATTERS. But beyond that, your voice matters too.

Why does your voice matter so much, you ask? For starters, it’s the way that you communicate to others about who you are and what you stand for. When you speak up and share your opinions, people pay attention. Whether it’s through a conversation with friends and family, or by engaging on social media - your voice matters.

And in an election-year, your voice can be the deciding factor between candidates. Don’t believe us? Just take a look at some recent statistics:

  • In 2016, the presidential election was decided by just 80,000 votes across three states.
  • In the 2018 midterms elections, more than 47% of registered voters turned out to vote - the highest level in half a century.
  • The result of the Democratic caucus in Iowa this year came down to a coin flip.

With these facts in mind, it’s clear that every single vote and voice has the power to make a difference.

So, how can you make sure that your voice is being heard in the Missouri primary? Here are a few suggestions:

  • Attend town hall meetings and candidate rallies in person to ask questions and engage directly with the candidates.
  • Join social media groups dedicated to discussing the candidates and the issues and share your opinions there.
  • Write opinion pieces or letters to the editor on issues that matter to you, and send them to local publications such as newspapers and blogs.

In closing, don’t let this primary election pass you by. Your voice is valuable, and YOUR VOTE MATTERS. Take action now to ensure that your opinions are counted and that the outcome truly represents the voice of the people.

The Missouri Primary Election

The Show-Me State's 2020 primary election will take place on August 4. Missourians will have the chance to vote in several important races, including choosing their candidate for governor and a handful of House seats up for grabs.

In this article, we'll walk you through why it’s important to vote in the Missouri primary election, explain the impact your voice could have, and offer tips to ensure your vote is counted on Election Day.

The Importance of Voting in the Primary

In the Missouri primary election, voters head to the polls to choose candidates for their respective political parties. These races determine which candidates will face off in the general election in November.

Therefore, the August 4th primary election is an important opportunity to have a say in who represents you and carries your values forward to the general election.

Your Voice Matters

Your participation in this election will directly impact countless aspects of your everyday life.

From expanded healthcare coverage to increased educational investment, every decision made by your elected officials can have an immense effect on your physical, financial, and mental wellbeing – and your vote matters in shaping those decisions.

Don’t Take Your Vote for Granted

You may believe that because Missouri has historically leaned blue or red ,your vote won't make much of a difference.. However with fairly close margins for some elections, such as during 2018's U.S Senate seat election, particularly given fractured voting patterns in recent elections. It’s absolutely crucial that you don’t take your right to cast a ballot for granted.

Better Representation For All

Voting in this election also gives people the power to elect better representation for all.Casting your vote for political representatives helps ensure that not just your voice, but the voices of your friends, broader community members are heard and represented. More significantly, low voter turnout often translates to significant disparities in elected officials looking at demographics, particularly socioeconomic status.

Take Preparedness Seriously

If you're planning to vote in person, understand your polling place hours and location, double-check accuracy of all election information.,supplement with up-to-date personal details i.e addresses and identification You can prevent transactional issues at polling stations by ensuring documentation,such as IDs,to verify their voter status adheri

Compare Voting In Person And Voting By Mail

In-Person Voting Voting by Mail
Pros: Pros:
-Immediate confirmation of receipt -Convenient
-Allows for social distancing measures -Doesn't require leaving the house
Cons: Cons:
-Wait times may be longer than usual due to Covid-19 safety measures -Potential for mail to get lost or delayed
-Possible exposure to germs while waiting in line -Ballot must be securely and accurately mailed back, often needing advanced timings check details or must be deposited in official drop-off sites

Your Voice Counts More Than Ever Before

In recent times, Voices like global peaceful marches lead to The Black Lives Matter taking main agendas in governmental voices..It is imperative during challenging times, such as a national public health crisis due to Covid-19, The unfortunate propagation of communal violence and hate America now feels deeply divided more than ever with social inclusivity, humanitarian rights and social justice taking critical center stage.Your vote takes on greater significance and impact than perhaps any other time in recent history.

Your Action Affects People’s Lives

Election outcomes invariably change the face of nation.The decisions made by elected representatives set policies and regulations in constant progression shaping everyone's current and future citizen lives. To have your say, cast your vote – stand up and let your voice be heard loud and clear…as truly one vote can basically change things around.

Change Begins With One Voice

Lend reinforcing support believe in fostering principle and being the generative locomotive behind the themes and changes adopted with your state's party.vHow impactful are you willing to be in leading discussions?,or joining movements or becoming involved With community organizations attend seminars.all start with simply casting that vote.Be purposeful about your political activity.The spark of evolution in your community. influences policy design,pave the way to necessary reforms and impact future progress for society.


In the Missouri primaries,the vote you cast will not only impact present recommendations and solutions for ruling but will buoy resounding long-existing elections.young voters often outnumber the elderly in sporting arenas but mysteriously lack similar zeal when forming their country's politics.participation matters profoundly, whether via mail submission during currect COVID uptick,having influenced an aware circle of polls : doesn't dismiss your needcast your vote.End surevoice prevail – your vote

In conclusion, the Missouri Primary Election is a crucial moment for our state, and your voice matters more than ever. The Make or Break Moment is upon us, and we must all step up to the challenge. Don't forget to register to vote and make it out to the polls on election day. Let's show the world that Missouri cares about its democratic process and values every opinion. Your vote is essential to shaping the future of our state. Let's make it count!

Thank you for reading and remember to make your vote heard in the upcoming primary election.

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The Make or Break Moment: Why Your Voice Matters in the Missouri Primary Election

Find answers to frequently asked questions about the Missouri Primary Election and why your voice matters.

What is the Missouri Primary Election?

When is the Missouri Primary Election?
The Missouri Primary Election is on August 4, 2020.
Who can vote in the Missouri Primary Election?
Registered voters who are affiliated with a political party are eligible to vote in that party's primary. Registered voters who are not affiliated with a political party may request a party ballot at the polling place.
Why does my voice matter in the Missouri Primary Election?
The primary election is where political parties choose their candidates for the general election. Your vote helps determine which candidates will appear on the ballot in November.