The Heartbreaking Outcome of the Brazil Election: Who emerged victorious?


When Brazilians went to the polls on October 28, 2018, they were faced with a choice that would define their nation's future. The election results have since been announced, and the heartbreaking outcome has left many in despair.

Who emerged victorious? Jair Bolsonaro, a right-wing extremist who openly advocates for torture and the use of police brutality to combat crime (among other controversial positions). He won 55% of the vote, with 46 million Brazilians supporting him.

But is he really the solution Brazil needs? Many believe that it's just another step backwards in the country's history.

Why did so many people vote for him, you may ask? Some say fear played a major role; fear of crime, fear of economic instability, and fear of corruption. Others argue that people supported him because they believed he could bring change to a nation mired in political and economic crises.

However, the implications of his victory are already being felt. As president, Bolsonaro could dismantle the country's democracy and impose a dictatorship. He has threatened to jail political opponents, dissolve social programs, and decay Brazil's standing as an environmentalist nation.

In short, the election result is a huge blow to democracy and progressivism, placing Brazil at risk of perpetuating suffering and tearing down important institutions.

It's hard not to feel dismayed when considering the direction Brazil has taken, but we must also remember that there is hope. We can resist, we can march, and we can demand change. And the international community can offer support, recognition and assistance to those who believe in democracy and social justice in the face of extraordinary evils.

To conclude, Brazil's election result is alarming for anyone who cares about human rights and justice but now al we've got is hope. We will stand together to do everything we can to address this heartbreaking outcome.


The 2018 Brazilian election was one of the most polarizing and controversial in recent history. After a tumultuous campaign period, the country went to the polls to elect its next president. Many hoped that the election would pave the way for a brighter future as Brazil desperately needed to heal from recent political turmoil and corruption scandals. However, the outcome of the election left many people heartbroken and concerned about the future of the nation. In this article, we will examine who emerged victorious and why so many people are upset with the results.

A Comparison of the Candidates

Jair Bolsonaro

The far-right candidate Jair Bolsonaro was the frontrunner going into the election. He campaigned on a platform of ending corruption, increasing public safety, and reviving Brazil's economy. Bolsonaro is known for his controversial statements, including misogynistic, homophobic and racist remarks. His supporters view him as a savior who can lead the country towards a better future.

Fernando Haddad

Fernando Haddad was the candidate of the leftist Workers' Party. He campaigned on promises to improve social welfare, reduce poverty, and strengthen democracy in Brazil. Haddad is a former minister of education and served as the mayor of Sao Paulo. Supporters viewed him as a viable alternative to Bolsonaro, who they saw as a threat to democracy and human rights.

IssuesJair BolsonaroFernando Haddad
CorruptionStrong stanceProsecuting Lula corruption
EconomyFree-market policiesTaxing wealthy and international companies more heavily
EnvironmentDe-emphasized the issueTightened regulations and protected the Amazon Forest
Social WelfareReduced social welfare benefits through privatizationExpanded successful Bolsa Familia program and provided health-care services
Human RightsLacking concern over human rights issuesPriority given to ensuring human rights for all citizens regardless of class, race or gender

The Results

Jair Bolsonaro won the election with over 55 percent of the vote. Many believe that his victory is due to widespread angst among the country’s citizens over crime, corruption and insecurity, along with deep disillusionment with traditional political parties. Protests in the country began immediately, with numerous citizens and opposition leaders and activists adamantly questioning how Brazil could have elected someone who has made numerous racist, sexist and other offensive comments that puts the viability of democracy at risk.

A Polarizing Figure

Jair Bolsonaro's victory was met by shock and despair among Brazil's liberal and leftist population. This is not just because of his far-right ideological predilections and claims of being homophobic and racist, but also because of concerns over his mental fitness, connections to military dictatorship, his all-pervasive alleged intolerance towards dissent, and the likely negative effects of his economic programme on the country's disadvantaged groups.

The Implications

Economic policies and social citizenship

The focus of Bolsonaro's government directive is essentially neoliberal: tax reform, modernization of regulations and labour laws, austerity measures are in projected urgency while concerted efforts must be made to root out corruption, restructure state apparatuses and public faced spaces.This program promises little solace especially on food production, employment insurance while enthralling big business investment opportunities. Overall, however, it widens societal welfare gaps and blames the weak instead of bringing them into a homoscedastic measure of community building.

Human Rights and Democracy

Bolsonaro has come under critic that democracy is at risk - minorities throughout Brazil face losing long-won and professed rights to life, dignity, legality and special protections associated. Institutions are being dismantled at risk of creating non-transparent autocracy.


Although the tough worries of electing Jair Bolsonaro in Brazilian eyes pose immediate concerns to minority communities, the larger, overriding need can oblige policy and academic areas where insight and rigorous field evaluations can synapse society intraclass visions for recoverable community consciousness grounded in liberalism away from hatred, conspiracy and nepotistic bias.Jair Bolsonaro should preside legitimately with the democracy that Brazil needs-and deserves-while upholding freedom, public life concerns founded in Liberty.

In conclusion, the Brazil election has been a painful and heartbreaking journey. Jair Bolsonaro might have emerged as the new leader, but the scars that the election has left in the Brazilian psyche will take some time to heal. As a visitor here, we implore you to continue staying informed about this tumultuous situation and show solidarity with the people of Brazil during these trying times.

Thank you for reading and we hope you found this article informative.

- The Blog Team

FAQPage in Microdata about The Heartbreaking Outcome of the Brazil Election: Who emerged victorious?

The Heartbreaking Outcome of the Brazil Election: Who emerged victorious?

Who won the election in Brazil?

Jair Bolsonaro emerged victorious in the 2018 Brazilian presidential election.

What were the main issues in the election?

The election was largely focused on issues related to corruption, crime, and the economy.

What is the significance of Bolsonaro's victory?

Bolsonaro's victory represents a shift towards right-wing politics in Brazil and has been controversial due to his history of making inflammatory and discriminatory remarks.

What are the potential implications of Bolsonaro's presidency?

There are concerns that Bolsonaro's policies may lead to increased violence, environmental degradation, and erosion of democracy in Brazil.