The Heart-stopping Countdown: America’s Future Decided on Election Day


The Heart-stopping Countdown: America’s Future Decided on Election Day

November 3, 2020, will be a day that we all remember— the day where America took to the polls to cast their votes for the candidate they believe should hold the power of one of the greatest countries in the world. This year’s presidential election holds even more significance as the country is amidst a pandemic, social unrest, economic issues, and political controversy.

Will Trump win over the nation by making America great again or will Biden take his place with the promise to unite a divided nation?

The countdown to Election Day is approaching in the blink of an eye. With mere months until the big day, both Republicans and Democrats will unveil their strategies to win the next four years in office. A whopping total of 538 electoral college officials are up for grab, presenting an often chaotic and unpredictable reality come November.

Different polls have suggested a nightmare impending; a popularity contest pitting the least likable candidates beating differences unable to heal American republic governance aftermath regardless of the election winner.

The November polling will see a split down the middle between red and blue states with fewer triggers like gender wars division, “fake impeachment rules” label on the previous i.e., the culture war beyond betting legalizing, that supplements its inclusion into ethics law rather than political science.

Lack of integrity- prone election process, famous for elongated waits, gerrymandering suspicions, valid but old schools restriction on minority voters amid predictable demographics offer confusion, euphoria while expectations apparently low since similar periods and ballots disappointment conservative hues.

Countdowns can be daunting and depressing, but history has shown time and time again that voting changes our future, the future of the economy, media, security, education, and most importantly the future of America.

So, on November 3rd get ready to create your own little part of history— fore as slow elections become reflections of political nature- demographic texture altered leading to election polity of participation not polling entirety truly ensuring survival periling personal enquires on both high stakes and coherent governance solution accountability-we seek solutions while voting.

Election day isn't about sides but the progression of what is best for our country, for every citizen, and ultimately for ourselves. Don't take this opportunity recklessly or laid-back, the countdown has started!

Let's vote carefully—future proceeds accordingly.

The Battle for the White House

The 2020 US Presidential election can be best described as the battle for the White House. Fierce and divisive, this election marked a historic moment for America. With the entire world watching, President Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden campaigned hard in the waning days leading to Election Day. Here is a comparison of the two candidates:

President Donald Trump Former Vice President Joe Biden
Status Sitting President Former Vice President under Obama Administration
Policies Strong borders, Anti-Immigration, Pro-Trade agreements, Israel favoritism. Green Deal, Student Loan Repayments, Gun Control
Popular Vote 72,361,776 (47.7%) 78,801,469 (51.3%)

Countdown to D-day

The heart-stopping countdown to election day was intense with millions of Americans turning out to cast their ballots amid the Covid-19 pandemic. With both candidates employing a number of tactics to woo voters, here are some head-to-head comparisons:


President Donald Trump hosted a series of Rallies that were tagged “Final Lovefest” while Democratic nominee, Joe Biden held drive-in and Zoom rallies.

Campaign Funds

Former Vice President Joe Biden has raised double the amount former Secretary Hilary Clinton spent on paid TV ads during campaign raining money to reach $937m since the beginning of the election bagging millions from few well-meaning donors.

The Results and Fallout

Determination and patience was key as the results sure took a while, five critical states turned “blue” flipping the script by the end of the day positioning Forbes400-man Joe Biden better than his opponent Donald Trump. It sparked a rage in the Capitol as the “MAGA” group stormed into the Capitol building repressed by another police brutal force it left four people dead;

Legal Contestation

The election was trailed by lawsuits with President Trump claiming voter fraud resulted only perpetrating the “Biggest Electoral Heist”; however, these claims have made no significant progress or impacts on the electoral results even, ultimately leading to more division within his own administration.

As Inauguration came Upon us All

Joe Biden joined the ranks of Barack Obama, Abraham Lincoln, Franklin D Roosevelt, and other notable objects in history serving the executive Oval Office. He urges us all to join forces, loves us all irrespective of our political positions on Climate Change, Foreign Policy and Healthcare regardless of who you voted for whereas Trump signed down Health, Environmental and Detainee Protection bills without looking back even up until his last days, but however he said he will be back..

The Big Picture

The USA is known mostly worldwide for innovation and intellectual spark, producing billionaires hence high-profile prominent citizens. One wonders if its politicized views will eventually tilt away some of her sharp-edge perspectives pushing rivals to steal her shine and slowing her advancements leading to the next generation. Will America falter rendering a shift in economic affairs tilted away from the strong boost she has enjoyed for years?

My Opinion

The recent election was not just tense but pivotal as It demonstrated how fragile democracy could sometimes be in unprepared hands and faulted systems. Race, discrimination and oppression are becoming growing concerns amongst Americans placing populations of BIPOCs 2x more at risk of incarceration leading to understanding why marginalised groups reluctant to come forward.

As time goes on we see a rise of political polarization where “Red versus Blue ” ends friendships, makes families keep quiet around dinner table not because they do not history goals, rather because America entered a territory upheld collectively.

So remember, fellow citizens, election day is not only a right but also a responsibility. It is on this day that we have the power to shape the future of our country. We have the power to create positive change and make a difference. Every vote counts, so make sure you are registered and make time to get out and vote. Whether you bring an entrepreneurial spirit or you hope to promote social justice, your voice will add to the diverse fabric of this great nation.

The countdown continues as America eagerly awaits the results of this election. On November 3rd, make your voice heard and be ready for possible heart-stopping moments. Are you excited yet?!

Remember, together we can make America into something even better. The choice is yours let us all exercise our democratic right with enthusiasm and passion.

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