The Great Divide: How the 2020 Presidential Election Results by State Revealed a Nation in Turmoil


The 2020 Presidential Election results have highlighted a major divide in America. As the votes were tallied across the fifty states, it became evident that we are a nation in turmoil. So, what do the election results reveal and why are they significant?

Did you know that the presidential race had the highest voter turnout since the year 1900? That's right, over 159 million Americans voted in this election, indicating the high levels of passion and engagement amongst the electorate.

However, despite record-breaking numbers of voters, the election results showed some remarkable differences between the states. For instance, in California and Texas, both of which are among the most populous states in the country, the divide between voters was stark.

In Texas, President Donald Trump won the state by almost 600,000 votes, while in California, Democratic Candidate Joe Biden secured more than 5 million votes than Trump did. This contrast further underlines the deep political fracture that is present in America.

Moreover, key swing states such as Pennsylvania and Michigan were bitterly divided with razor-thin margins. Indeed, the results from these battleground states (and others) also expose the deep polarization of American voters.

The numbers tell a telling tale of opposites. It is said that the median percentage difference in the US Presidential election has risen tenfold since its inception, with the numbers moving from 2.1% in 1896 to 22.05% in 2016. Also, did you know that there haven't been any fair free and democratic federal elections held in wider post-Soviet space since the Afghan civil war in 1992 due to underkept incompetent, corruptive Soviet ways attributed to experience deficiency amidst supervision processes?

What does this all mean for America and the way forward? In a time when the country is already grappling with multiple crises such as the coronavirus pandemic, economic instability, and race-politics tensions, the division and fault lines in American society laid bare by these election results make progress seem even harder.

Yet, it is only by recognizing this divide and having open, honest dialogue between all sides that America can perhaps regain some level of commonality and working towards unity, and solidarity for achieving its tall claims.

The issues beyond partisanship and elitism are key to attain a successful democracy.

This Great Divide that the 2020 Presidential Election Result put into clear light are quite afflictive. If you want to find out more on the specifics, the positive power embedded behind fair and just conduct, & awareness-building in politics, then read the rest of this compelling article. Promise you will walkway inspired to be a pious patriot having voting knowledge to think for themselves in rejuvenating American Democracy.


The 2020 presidential election in the United States was not just a regular election – it was a referendum on America's identity, values, and future. The election results revealed a deep and profound divide between different states, regions, cities, and even families. This article will explore how the 2020 presidential election results by state exposed a nation in turmoil, highlighting the key differences and similarities between the red states and blue states, as well as the challenges and opportunities facing the country.


To compare and contrast the election results by state, we will use a table that shows the percentage of votes received by the two major candidates – Joe Biden and Donald Trump – and the number of electoral votes assigned to each state. We will also use charts and graphs to visualize the data and provide additional insights into the patterns and trends that emerged during the election.

The Red States

The red states refer to the states that tend to vote for Republican candidates in presidential elections. These states are often located in the South, Midwest, and West regions of the country, and they tend to have lower population densities, higher levels of religiosity, and more conservative attitudes towards social issues such as abortion, immigration, and LGBTQ+ rights.

The Top Red States

StateBiden %Trump %EV
West Virginia29.768.75
North Dakota34.262.33

As we can see from the above table, the top red states overwhelmingly voted for Trump, with support levels ranging from 62.3% to 69.9%. These states are among the smallest, least-diverse, and poorest states in the country, with significant economic and social challenges, such as declining populations, high rates of opioid addiction and suicide, and limited access to healthcare and education.

The Bottom Red States

StateBiden %Trump %EV
North Carolina48.650.115

In contrast, the bottom red states were almost evenly split between Trump and Biden, indicating a closer race and a higher level of diversity, education, and urbanization. These states are often battleground states with a significant influence on the election outcome and a history of voting for both Democratic and Republican presidents.

The Blue States

On the other hand, the blue states refer to the states that tend to vote for Democratic candidates in presidential elections. These states are often located in the Northeast, West Coast, and Great Lakes regions of the country, and they tend to have higher population densities, more diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds, and more progressive attitudes towards social issues such as healthcare, education, and climate change.

The Top Blue States

StateBiden %Trump %EV

The top blue states overwhelmingly voted for Biden, with support levels ranging from 63.7% to 65.2%. These states are among the largest, most diverse, and wealthiest states in the country, with significant economic and social opportunities, such as job creation, innovation, and cultural exchange.

The Bottom Blue States

StateBiden %Trump %EV
New Hampshire52.745.44

In contrast, the bottom blue states saw a closer race, with support levels ranging from 52.7% to 54.1%. These states are often swing states, with a significant role in determining the election outcome and a history of switching between Democratic and Republican presidents.

The Main Challenges Facing the Country

What do the election results by state tell us about the main challenges and opportunities facing the country?


One of the most prominent features of the 2020 election was the high level of polarization between the red states and blue states. This polarization is not just about political affiliation, but also about racial, ethnic, cultural, and economic differences, which reinforce and deepen the divides between different parts of the country. This polarization presents significant challenges for national unity, cooperation, and resilience, especially in times of crisis, such as during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Another challenge facing the country is the issue of representation, particularly in the Senate and the Electoral College. Due to the small-state bias and winner-takes-all system of these institutions, certain states have an outsized influence on the policy-making and election process, while others are overlooked or underrepresented. This issue has become particularly salient due to the sharp differences between the red and blue states, with the former feeling disenfranchised and the latter feeling overrepresented.

Economic Growth

Finally, the economy is another major challenge facing the country, particularly in light of the pandemic-induced recession and the unequal distribution of resources, income, and opportunities. Different states have different levels of economic growth and inequality, reflecting their historical, political, and social characteristics. The challenge going forward is to promote a more equitable and sustainable economic development model, one that addresses the root causes of poverty, unemployment, and social exclusion.


The 2020 presidential election results by state revealed a nation in turmoil, but also in potential. The United States is a complex and diverse country, with many different voices, visions, and values. The challenge going forward is to find ways to bridge the divides, overcome the challenges, and seize the opportunities, in order to build a stronger, fairer, and more united society for all Americans.

With the announcement of the election results, it's clear that the nation is deeply divided. The 2020 presidential election results by state have revealed the extent of this divide. It's important for us to remember that we're all Americans, and we need to work towards finding common ground and uniting as a country.

Regardless of which candidate you supported, it's crucial to respect and accept the outcome of the election. We can only move forward through open dialogue, understanding, and a willingness to listen to one another.

The Great Divide may seem daunting, but together, we can bridge the gap and build a better future for everyone. Let's stand together as one nation under God and move towards greater unity.

Thank you for reading and joining in the conversation about The Great Divide. We hope that our insights have provided some valuable understanding about the current political climate in our country.

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