The Fate of America Hangs in the Balance: A Critical Look Ahead to the Next U.S. Presidential Election


As the United States of America prepares for the next presidential election, the fate of the entire nation hangs in the balance. The presidential election is not just an event, but a turning point. It will determine the future of the country and the well-being of its citizens for the next four years.

So many questions plague American citizens as they approach this pivotal moment: Who will be the candidates? What policies are they championing? Which candidate is the best option for the health, happiness, and prosperity of the American people?

The stakes are higher than ever. Desperate times call for proactive measures, and citizens must not just expect change, but demand it. Right now is the time to do all we can to ensure that our home is in good hands when our future president assumes office.

Here’s a statistic: In 2016, zero U.S. citizens made the decision to run for President. That is not the kind of democracy anyone of us should have to live with. So, if you're asking yourself what you can do about it--the answer is participate.

We don't need to tell you how incredibly polarized our citizens have grown since the last round of Presidential Elections. Despite that —if there’s anything this polarized moment in history has taught us, it’s that never before has someone—or something—been capable of bringing Americans together, once and for all.

Anyone who downplays the significance of the American citizen's vote is threatening our very freedom to choose democracy. Stay mindful of the power of your voice, and get involved, keep up with news developments and, most importantly...

Read on to discover the solutions and the options available, so you can cast your vote conscientiously in November.

A brighter, more inclusive, and safe future for America rests with a choice; let's make it the right one, one that secures and gives voice to America's every person, and its cherished democratic system as a foundation for a better tomorrow.


The upcoming U.S. Presidential Election is a critical moment that will determine the fate of America. With so much at stake, it is important to understand how the candidates stack up against each other and what policies they are proposing. This article will compare the two major party candidates and their positions on key issues and provide an opinion on the best way forward.

Candidates' Background

Donald Trump has spent his life as a businessman and reality television star, but was elected President in 2016. Joe Biden, on the other hand, has spent his life in public service as a Senator and Vice President under Barack Obama. While Trump's lack of political experience was an asset to many in the last election, his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic has drawn criticism. Biden's lengthy career in politics makes him a powerful player in Washington, but also opens him up to accusations of being establishment.

Foreign Policy

Donald Trump's America First policy has re-aligned U.S. foreign relations, meant to move away from globalization and state alliances.Trump administration stresses against Iran, Iraq was ongoing at the beginning term. He has signed significant agreements worldwide, such as with North Korea and India, as a strategy for economic growth. Joe Biden’s foreign policy differs significantly from the current administration’s. Biden has promised to improve relationships between the NATO countries for security towards Russia, also extend current trade practices.


The United States were on to annualized gains like 2% in recent years however encountering recession in 2020 due to CoViD cause halting millions of businesses. Since Covid-19 started, President Trump took different initiatives such as multiple relief campaign packages through diverse bills & encouraged regulatory refolution to address damages near business communities too. Vice President Biden has economic blueprint plans that emphasized inclusive approach consist direct stimulus, investments, eventually decrease pandemic damages effect on industries.

Trump's Economics Policy Biden's Economics Policy
Focused on deregulation and lowering taxes on businesses Focuses on infrastructural investment and education
In favor of free market capitalism Heavily promotes labor unions
Vampire negative rate of balance policy Mend USA’s relationship for international affairs

Social and Environmental Issues

The Republican Party believes that social responsibility issues should remaining private, solely represents feminism viewpoint towards solid education to refugees’ prospects. It focuses hands-off strategies resist the injection of the government keeping religious & all our origin values previous traditional views unchanged characterised by scope minimum. Democrats & democracy encapsulated values whereas more accepting and paying sensitivity takes fuller accountability of fragile circumstances on climate problems, clean air via agreements to United Nations frameworks.

Trump positions Biden position’s
Negative Position on further health care law Plans to bolster affordable insurance scheme
Avoid criticizes neo-Nazis to QAnon members Promote peaceful solidarity advocates unity standing climate change activists
Delete climate facts website pages from government agencies websites Plans to control climate change proposals via mission clean energy membership,

Civil Unrest

The top attitude recently continued controversial court nominees from President. Although Democratic Senate seeking compromise, disputes as majority and minority bring hard stakes to politics eventually raising public debates & criminal protester violence during racial rallies. Evidence of sympathy towards police for President Trump there concluded more affinity amongst the working class appeared regional crisis will be powerful factor at voting outcome later. Mr.Biden attempted to calm Americans outraged and supports act toward mental-health solution over punishment methods. Civil liberties have always priorities on justice policies without eliminating qualified ones towards population welfare.


In this writer's opinion, it is important to look past the surface level differences between candidates and examine which policies will benefit the most people. Although it is impossible to say for certain what will happen in the coming months, good leadership, policies diplomatic prowess will ultimately t be the key toward the topic addressed throughout this article. Whoever is chosen, it is critical to keep voters informed as America`sc rise or downfall relying direction of actions dependent on all internention of citizens. Those whose able but won't contribute face risks people forget deemed statistics economy.


The next U.S. Presidential Election has been characterised with notable significant relevance deciding discussions amongst people within USA own-community affairs such as social pressures, battling pandemic for assets growth stability. For good development, several comparisons through this essay reached conclusion candidate being progressive ideal promising avenue achieved courtesy reigning community spirit taught to shaping America’s finest futures.

In conclusion, the fate of America in the upcoming presidential election is definitely something that should concern every American citizen. The outcome of the election could greatly affect their lives and those of future generations. As such, it is critical that voters stay informed and engage in civil discourse with other members of their communities.

We hope that this article has provided you with some insights into what’s at stake in the election, and that you’ll take the time to educate yourself further on the candidates and the issues before casting your vote. Remember, the power to shape America’s future lies in your hands. Let’s use it wisely.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. As always, we’d love to hear your thoughts and comments below.

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