Stand up for your future: Vote in the Crucial PA State House Election


As citizens of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, exercising your right to vote is the best way to stand up for your future. Every vote counts, and every voter can make a difference in the decisions that affect this great state. On November 3rd, we have a crucial State House election, which could impact every aspect of our lives. This article will provide advice on why and how to vote, so read on.

Are you wondering why this State House election is so important? Let's look at some quick statistics. Pennsylvania has one of the largest State Houses in the country. There are 203 members, and currently, Republicans control 109 seats, while Democrats hold 93. If Democrats win nine more seats, they would be able to control the majority in the chamber. This is huge because it would mean Democrats could start passing legislation like climate change policies, taxes, funding public schools, and creating new jobs.

Are you still unsure about voting? Maybe you've heard some jokes about elections, such as The problem with political jokes is that they get elected. However, the reality is your vote is your power as a citizen. It's a chance to influence the direction in the State, policies needed to improve healthcare, business, jobs, social programs, transportation, and a host of issues that impact your life.

You may think, I don't know where to begin or I don't understand the issues/Organization involved…to cast my vote correctly.” But in today's era, it is easy to find resources where you can educate yourself about elections and candidates. Also, many national organizations pool data end release infographics to help educate citizens.

Have you registered yet? If not, what are you waiting for? Registering only takes a few minutes online through a trusted platform or organization. Many poll deputy officials might seem helpful, but not all might prioritize your vote counting — Could you re-verify if you do not want to see your vote go in vain?

In conclusion, there must be convincing reasons behind the efforts and expenses mobilized during election campaigns – it's getting smarter again with marketers utilizing several online platforms. But the most convincing reason to vote is that you have the power to make a difference. Voting may only take a few minutes of your day, but on November 3rd, you will decide the future of Pennsylvania by doing your part, so let's get the votes in!


As the saying goes, “your vote is your voice,” and nowhere is that more important than in the upcoming PA State House Election. It’s no exaggeration to say that the future of Pennsylvania rests on the outcome of this election, with critical issues such as healthcare, education, climate change, and equality for all on the ballot.

The Candidates


The Democratic candidate for this crucial House election is a seasoned politician with a strong record of advocating for progressive policies. They believe in prioritizing access to healthcare and education for all, protecting the environment, and advancing social justice.


The Republican candidate, on the other hand, has focused largely on economic issues throughout their career, pushing for business tax cuts and deregulation. They believe in upholding traditional conservative values and promoting private enterprise.

The Issues


Universal Healthcare Pro Con
Medicaid Expansion Pro Con

Access to affordable and comprehensive healthcare is an issue that affects every Pennsylvanian. The Democratic candidate supports universal healthcare and expanding Medicaid, while the Republican candidate does not.


Public School Funding Pro Con
Charter Schools Con Pro

Investing in education is a crucial aspect of securing a brighter future for Pennsylvania, yet the candidates have different priorities when it comes to public schools versus charter schools. The Democratic candidate supports public school funding, whereas the Republican candidate has expressed support for charter schools.

Climate Change

Renewable Energy Pro Con
Climate Action Strong Minimal

Climate change is an issue that affects us all, and our elected officials must take decisive action towards combatting its devastating effects. The Democratic candidate has a strong track record of supporting renewable energy and making climate action a priority, while the Republican candidate has a less clear stance on climate change action and has expressed skepticism on the impact of renewable energy solutions.

Equality for All

LGBTQ+ Rights Pro Con
Racial Justice Strong Minimal

Pennsylvania, like many states, still has much work to do towards realizing equality for all its citizens. The Democratic candidate has made fighting for LGBTQ+ rights a priority, and has also emphasized racial justice in their platform. The Republican candidate has not made these issues a core part of their message.


Elections are the foundation of democracy, and voting provides both the opportunity and the responsibility to shape the political direction of our country. By casting your vote in the upcoming PA State House Election, you can help shape the future of Pennsylvania for years to come.

To all the blog visitors out there, remember that your voice matters. Your participation in the important Pennsylvania State House election can make all the difference. Stand up for your future, and the future of those around you, by exercising your right to vote. With so much at stake, we cannot afford to stay silent. Let's show up on Election Day and make our voices heard. Your vote counts, so use it wisely.

Thank you for reading, and see you at the polls!
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Stand up for your future: Vote in the Crucial PA State House Election

Why is this election crucial?

The PA State House has the power to make important decisions that affect your future, such as funding education, protecting the environment, and ensuring access to healthcare. By voting in this election, you have the opportunity to choose leaders who will represent your values and work towards a better future for all Pennsylvanians.

How can I find out if I'm registered to vote?

You can check your voter registration status online at If you're not registered, you can register online at

When is the election?

The PA State House Election is on November 3, 2020.