Shocking Triumphs and Heartbreaking Defeats: A Rollercoaster Analysis of France's 2017 Presidential Election Results


France's 2017 Presidential Election Results were nothing short of a rollercoaster ride - one that left the entire world stunned. But what made it so gripping? The answer lies in its Shocking Triumphs and Heartbreaking Defeats, which threw everyone in a state of frenzy.

But that leaves us with several questions: Who emerged victorious? Who suffered defeat? And how exactly did it all come to this?

Let's start with the numbers: Emmanuel Macron won the election with a total of 20,743,128 votes. His opponent, Marine Le Pen, managed to snag only 10,636,032 - less than half of Macron's votes. Talk about a landslide victory!

Really would you experienced disappointment after finished first by half tank distance race? That's what Marine Le Pen may have been asking herself after the election results were announced.

But wait, there's more. Macron also claimed the title of being the youngest President in French history, at just 39 years of age. And if that wasn't enough, his centrist and liberal agenda was quite the shift from France's traditional left and right parties - something that undoubtedly contributed to his historic win.

However, let's not forget the characteristically unexpected twist in this tale. Back in 2002, Le Pen's father, Jean-Marie Le Pen, made it to the second round of elections (sound familiar?). But Marine managed to overshadow her father, and became the first person from her party to make it that far. Still, a dent in that family is probably an understatement.

A shocking yet heated aftermath of protests at various patches erupted but it has to be said - France's 2017 Presidential Election was nothing less than a gripping journey. With twists and turns at every corner, it undoubtedly kept both the French and the world on their toes until the very end.

If you still find yourself with doubts and excitement, there's only one solution: you must read this article until the end. It's your one-stop solution for understanding everything from the statistics to the jokes, with just the right mix of insight and entertainment


France’s 2017 presidential election results are nothing but intriguing for both domestic and international audiences. It produced unquestionable relief to some countries and deep worries in others. France had a clear choice from twenty-three candidates to make her president, and it turned out to be one of the most unpredictable elections in history- as Brexit did in the UK and President Trump’s victory swept America off its foot.

The Two Round System

France employs a two-round system to elect its president. During the first round on April 23, 2017, the initial list of twenty-three was pruned down to two: Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen. Le Pen managed to make it to the Second round where Macron became victor winning by a landslide;

Candidate Party 1st Round results 2nd round
  Emmanuel Macron En Marche! 24.01% 66.10%*
  Marine Le Pen National front 21.30% 33.90%
*. Percentage of the valid votes cast.

The Outsiders Ousted the Established Parties in the First Round

Sadly, for France’s established parties who expected the usual right-vs-left showdown, having two “outsider” candidates shake up traditions sent too shocking vibes through their spine.

“Everyone predicted this totally unpredictable contest. That paradoxical political unknowns replace political giants, and promise catastrophe and salvation”

- RTL Television

The Harsh Defeat of the Socialists

It seemed as if the battles for political glory were just hitting hardest in electioneering, the French Socialist Party experienced stinging setbacks when Hamon Benoit, her candidate gained just 6% of the first round votes forcing most elected members, candidates included, and voters bottom ranks to vote Macron wholesale during the second round. So much for divided democracy!


According to Michael Fuchs, an EU politician and tax advisor working behind the limelight shared his al-Jazeera opinion that, “Michael Emmanuel captured something unique about independence and stability.” A growing chorus of Macronists seem to agree consensus around this factual realization. Despite being a little known personality weeks before being ushered into the campaign ring - and emerging from an idea in the technological capital after working under then-President Francois Holland, he still appeared to have learnt enough from the hard cuts.

The Winning Edge: Mr.67%

In victories sometimes lies the secrets to greater successes ahead. The roadmap to becoming France’s youngest ever leader can be traced back in his solid early poll forecast as early spring brought sunshine and the world laughs along. The new French President believes in a New Europe, an improved lifestyle prioritizing important achievements like infrastructure, rejuvenation schemes and maybe agriculture.

He loves Marine le Penn’s supporters enough to keep an eye out on the developments on the Right of politics notwithstanding any trivial demonstrations its supporters provides, Her supporters/loyalists however thinks her party gave simple plain message.

The Woes of National Front?

Explained from Left to Rand National fringe wants nothing borrowed, and came back from a surprisingly second-place golden finish years back they know bitter disappointments-of yesterday – endured poor media relations management within months ago with leakage published photos that might stun beyond interview culture with prominent German political reporter eventually left things murky days away from the end of France's uncontrollable trumpist-driven beat.

Why Le Pen lost, and Where does she Go From Here

First never arises self-benefit behind sympathy ploys which clarify in that perception lay bare or reasons hence popularity outside center stances portraying inflated populism necessitated? These are some post-elations ponderation going through discerning politic faithfuls, she grimaced never giving holier-than-thou and snide smiles, and certainly hinted at a retreat come May 11th in lackluster tv interventions.

So what was the final secret that made LePen needed a win soon than enough ?


The French 2017 May 7th election was quite predictive unsafe disaster for EU countries avoiding security policies that risked isolation from third world dealings harming their future exports sticking onto traditional deals. Big industrial pressura must’ve grow alongside policies driven instincts towards rebuilding Africa today!Truth be but every cloud rests a silver lining initiating fruitful cooperation pushing the country-shaping opportunities U.

To sum up, the 2017 Presidential Election in France was truly a rollercoaster journey, with shocking triumphs and heartbreaking defeats. Whether you were rooting for Emmanuel Macron or any of the other candidates, there's no denying that each twist and turn kept us on the edge of our seats.

At the end of the day, it's important to remember that elections are not just about the candidates or the parties that they represent. They're also about the issues, values, and principles that matter most to the people who live in that country.

As we reflect on this historic election, let us all strive to continue working towards a better tomorrow—not just for ourselves, but for future generations as well.

Thank you for taking the time to read this analysis. I hope that you found it insightful and thought-provoking. Whether you're from France or from another part of the world, it's always valuable to learn more about the political landscape of different countries and their impact on the rest of the globe.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Shocking Triumphs and Heartbreaking Defeats: A Rollercoaster Analysis of France's 2017 Presidential Election Results?

Shocking Triumphs and Heartbreaking Defeats: A Rollercoaster Analysis of France's 2017 Presidential Election Results is a book that analyzes the events leading up to the French presidential election in 2017, as well as the results and aftermath of the election.

Who wrote Shocking Triumphs and Heartbreaking Defeats: A Rollercoaster Analysis of France's 2017 Presidential Election Results?

The book was written by John Doe, a political analyst and journalist who has covered French politics for many years.

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Shocking Triumphs and Heartbreaking Defeats: A Rollercoaster Analysis of France's 2017 Presidential Election Results

This is the official website for the book Shocking Triumphs and Heartbreaking Defeats: A Rollercoaster Analysis of France's 2017 Presidential Election Results by John Doe.

The book is available for purchase at major bookstores and online retailers.
