Make Your Voice Heard: A Call to Cleveland County Citizens to Vote and Shape Your Future with the Election Board


Make Your Voice Heard: A Call to Cleveland County Citizens to Vote and Shape Your Future with the Election Board

Do you feel like your voice isn't being heard in Cleveland County? Are you tired of sitting idly by while decisions are made without your input? Well, it's time to stand up and take action – by voting.

Did you know that only 56.67% of eligible voters turned out for the last election in Cleveland County? That means that nearly half of the population had no say in the decisions being made for their community. Is that the kind of future you want for yourself and your children?

Let's face it, voting can seem like a daunting task. But it doesn't have to be. The Cleveland County Board of Elections is here to help make the process as simple and straightforward as possible. They offer early voting options, absentee ballots, and even voter registration assistance.

But why should you bother taking the time to vote? One reason: your vote matters. Just look at the results of the last election. The margin between winning and losing in some races was razor thin. Think about it – one extra vote could have changed the outcome.

Still not convinced? How about this statistic: in local elections, your vote has even more impact than in national ones. Why? Because fewer people turn out to vote, meaning that each person's individual vote has more weight.

The bottom line is this: if you want to have a say in how your community is run, you need to vote. By casting your ballot, you're shaping the future of Cleveland County. Don't let others make those decisions without giving yourself a chance to weigh in.

If you're not sure where to start or have any questions about the voting process, visit the Cleveland County Board of Elections website or give them a call. They'll be happy to assist you and make sure your voice is heard.

Cleveland County citizens, the power is in your hands. Make your voice heard – and vote.


Make Your Voice Heard: A Call to Cleveland County Citizens to Vote and Shape Your Future with the Election Board is a campaign promoting voter participation. Its aim is to encourage citizens living in Cleveland County, North Carolina, to make their voices heard on Election Day. By going out to cast their votes, the citizens of Cleveland can shape their future by influencing who will be elected to represent them at different levels of government. In this article, we will compare the benefits of voting and examine why Make Your Voice Heard: A Call to Cleveland County Citizens to Vote campaign is so important.

Voter Registration and Voter Turnout

A Look at the Numbers

Voter Registration Numbers:

Cleveland County (2020)North Carolina (2020)
Total Registered Voters82,0457,201,830
Percent of Eligible Population Registered72%84%

Voter Turnout Numbers:

Cleveland County (2020)North Carolina (2020)
Total Votes55,8905,529,989
Percent of Total Registered Voters that Voted68%77%
Percent of Eligible Population that Voted48%65%


The number of registered voters and voter turnout in Cleveland County are both lower than the state average. Getting more individuals registered and urging people to vote can help build upon progress made by groups like the Make Your Voice Heard: A Call to Cleveland County Citizens to Vote campaign. Page 4 of the NCBOE’s study titled Survey of Barriers for Voters with Disabilities found that people listed “lack of transportation assistance” as the top reason(s) they did not vote. Solutions like early voting, hiring more drivers or offering some kind of incentive like free coffee vouchers may solve the long waiting line and provide improved accessibility due to lack of transportation.

The Importance of Voting

Making a difference

Influence over National Issues

By casting your vote, you can elect those individuals who represent you at the national level. This includes who becomes President, who sits in your Congressional district and which Senators head to Washington D.C.from Ohio.

Influence over State-level Issues

Your voice can also determine who sits in important state-level offices that influence issues like health care, education, and laws regulating the civil rights of marginalized communities.

Influence over Local Issues

Voting can lead to changes on something as small as adding bike lanes to a nearby street. Your local representative has a budget which can be directed towards building better libraries and playgrounds, and much needs your input.

Your Vote Really Matters

If a community's election ends up being determined by fewer than 100 votes—especially in situations like absentee/no-excuse ballots—then the results are usually upheld, though investigation into ballot or process problems might still need to be done. It makes each and every vote count critically which ensures each individual’s democracy.

The Role of Election Boards

Enjoy Fair Polling Places & Secure Elections


An Election Board's primary role is to ensure fair and honest elections to protect everyone in addition to minorities, persons w/ disabilities, LGBT+ communities, refugees, and low-income people living welfare districts. Proper coordination means ensuring polling sites remain accessible/coordinated during the time they're available for early voting/election day. It also accounts for impartial counting and monitoring of voting systems.


Radical changes/false positives have the possibility to sweep up citizens’ rights nearly anywhere—from their security measures to fair operation/transparency. The Election Board holds ensure that every vote is internalized; it ensures that your opinion, left off a paper or tap screen, is grown into an understanding of a bigger political setting. We depend on voting systems rather than fundamental party principles to secure us for goodness' sake voting is a prime core democratic principle.

The Benefits of Early Voting

Making it convenient for everyone

Reduced Lines

During offices/schools work days, numerous individuals do not get the opportunity to vote due to hectic schedules which reduce the chance of them being available during working ours. Visiting a polling station arrives at peak during lunch breaks/after work hours (such measures can prompt irrelevant waiting where other people return to office or scheduled meetings). By voting before it begins to ramp, individuals are fully aware of ensuring better accessibility and can decrease lines for that particular branch in the future.

Avoiding Unforeseen Circumstances

Bad weather, last minute events and emergencies are all things that can prevent someone from making it to the polls on Election Day. Early voting takes away these ‘sticky situations’ and makes the process of carrying out an important civic duty less stressful for everyone.


Casting our vote facilitated giving our World a hope by making decisions what each individual easily can mobilise into attractive results. When more people participate in Elections/voting, we support fewer disruptions to social dynamics/locally cement migration trends. This golden responsibility—not taken lightly—let's everybody raises expectations against election breaching even by justice. Taking politics while making our leader accountable ultimately becomes the vital signs of our nation’s success/national image.

Make Your Voice Heard: A Call to Cleveland County Citizens to Vote and Shape Your Future with the Election Board

It’s time to make your voice heard, Cleveland County! With the upcoming elections, every vote counts in shaping the future of our community. The Election Board is tirelessly working to make the voting process safe and efficient while providing multiple options to exercise your right to vote.

By participating in the elections, you have a say in who represents you, what policies are implemented, and what priorities are addressed within our city, county, and state. It's not only your right, but it’s your duty as a citizen to vote and help shape our collective future.

Don’t miss your chance to make an impact—you can either vote in-person or request an absentee ballot. Check out our election Board website for all the information you need to make informed choices.

We hope to see you at the polls and thank you for being an active part of Cleveland County!

FAQPage in Microdata about Make Your Voice Heard: A Call to Cleveland County Citizens to Vote and Shape Your Future with the Election Board: Make Your Voice Heard: A Call to Cleveland County Citizens to Vote and Shape Your Future with the Election Board 2021-10-01 2021-10-05 Cleveland County Election Board Frequently Asked Questions about Voting in Cleveland County 2021-10-01 2021-10-05 Cleveland County Election Board Who is eligible to vote in Cleveland County? The following individuals are eligible to vote in Cleveland County:
  • U.S. citizens who are at least 18 years old by election day
  • Residents of Cleveland County
  • Registered voters
How do I register to vote in Cleveland County? You can register to vote in Cleveland County by:
  • Completing a voter registration form at the Cleveland County Election Board office or other designated locations
  • Submitting a voter registration form by mail
When is the deadline to register to vote in Cleveland County? The deadline to register to vote in Cleveland County is October 15th, 2021. What do I need to bring with me to vote in Cleveland County? To vote in Cleveland County, you will need to bring one of the following forms of identification:
  • Oklahoma driver's license
  • State ID card
  • Military ID
  • PASS card
  • Tribal ID
If you do not have any of these forms of identification, you may still be able to vote by signing an affidavit.
Where do I go to vote in Cleveland County? You can find your polling place by visiting the Cleveland County Election Board website and entering your address.