Kansans Rejoice: Hope and Progress Prevail in Election 2020


Kansans, hold on to your hats! Election 2020 has been a rollercoaster ride, but hope and progress are prevailing.

Did you know that2020 had the highest voter turnout in U.S history with over 160 million people casting their ballots?

But let's focus specifically on Kansas - aren't you curious about what happened in your state?

The biggest news is the change in the Kansas Senate.power

You may have heard the phrase red wave. It refers to conservative states that came out strongly for Republicans. Well, in Kansas, a purple wave emerged!

The U.S. House representative, Sharice Davids, won her seat for the second time, and get this…Kansas also elected their first openly transgender person to the state House of Representatives.

Diversity is the spice of life as the saying goes, and we can't be anything but excited for Kansas' progressive nature.

It gets even better. Our country seems to have overcome voter suppression and boosted accessible voting methods, giving the voice back to our communities! Yes, allegedly, Dorothy and Toto can now vote in Andover.

If that doesn't tickle your interest buds, then how about national news? The first woman vice president-elect in US history? Kamala Harris inspires women globally and exhibits there are no limitations to success despite struggling times.

Last but not least, a humourous final fun-fact, did you know that aside from Kamala Harris being able to tie-break senate votes, she can clear a room out by telling people she put hot sauce in her bags…cue awkward silences.

Those are just some of the highlights to anticipate. As much unimaginable political strife and emotional exhaustion that was demonstrated, do not overlook the incredible hope, progress, and unity bound to arise. We don't know what changes could happen next, so let's relish in today's win.

Go and celebratethe sparks of newly fostered unity spread throughout the country—a ray of sunshine that surprisingly appeared in one, uncertain year. Let us carry the motivation into future ordeals, trusting only progress is on the horizon.

Comparison Blog Article: Kansans Rejoice: Hope and Progress Prevail in Election 2020

The recently concluded election in Kansas has been historic, not just for the state but also for the nation as a whole. With the entire world glued to their screens watching the counting unfold, the results were a pitch-perfect response to the turmoil that marked this year.

Baseline Analysis

The very prospects that were once considered implausible turned into a firm prospect with the raging pandemic creating unchartered waters, which overshadowed the conventional consciousness of state politics if we present the vote percentages based on the results:

2020 ResultsDemocratsRepublicans
Presidential Race -Vote Percentage41.6%55.3%
Senate Race-Vote Percentage42.5%53.7%
House of Representatives- Vote Percentage44.2%52.5%

Kansas: The Swing State Nobody Saw Coming

In terms of what was foretold leading up to the election versus how it eventually panned out, Kansas was very much an underdog. Unlike previously counted swing states, it somewhat slipped under the Trump administration's sight leading to fewer mudslinging accusations from both the Democratic and the Republican ensemble.

A Sudden Shift

The surprise win of Democrats Jacob LaTurner and Jerry Moran against Republican Rep. Steve Watkins firmly tilts the state's political climate leftward despite the Republican heavyweight ad spent campaigning. “A certain negativity, mainly digging allegations against Republicans, stood out. However, with the sudden snap and election time, things seemed to take a complete turn”, officials say.

Kansas Demography: A Change Waiting To Happen

If we factor in demographics, some attribute the Democratic edge as a never-directed outcome that was long due. Kansas' complicated relationship with race and ethnicity submerging voices of communities might have finally gained force; however, the new administration responds to that remains is more certain.The percentage contributions are:

White Non-Hispanic/Latino*76.3%
Black/African American*11.4%
Native American*0.9%

.The Youth Quotient

Major explanations why younger generations largely lean to progressive candidates is a crystal clear priority spotlight substantial issues such as climate justice and better academia,” Adam Ford, a voter exclaimed. Also particularly significant for many young Americans has been economic/financial felicity and condemnation of systemic racism on all fronts, perhaps accounting as one motif for the blue wave reversing Kansas political inclination.

The Other Side's Views: The Road Ahead

Of course, the Republican ensemble took the loss to heart by promising to work harder lead the efforts next time around. However, Donald Trump's exit will leave many Republicans caught between retaining previously endorsed values and charting a fresh course low-rumored account on rebranding.

New approaches over partisanship

The proven increase of grassroots organizing methods has caught politicians’ attention. Much will ride on how well and quickly former voters back their claim to prior reality by policy implementation for the administration on the traction of changing discourse, serving it through mutual comprehension.


The narrative naturally latched down kind-positive ideas transcending malicious Partisan struggles, and is now becoming the Next Normal for not just Americans, but arguably speaking, everyone alike.It appears evident that post democratic values being resolute stands out formost, countering ramping animosity dividing the populace in what can be described more bitterly than merely segments of society..

Kansans Rejoice: Hope and Progress Prevail in Election 2020

After months of anticipation, the results of the 2020 presidential election are in. For Kansas residents, there is much to celebrate. With the election of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, a new era of hope and progress has dawned.

Throughout the country, citizens have come together to advocate for change, highlighting essential issues such as social justice, climate change, and healthcare. In Kansas, these same values were reflected as voters turned out to make their voices heard.

The election wasn't all positive news, but the progress made demonstrates the power of democracy in action. We must continue to work together to ensure that our voices are heard, our rights are respected, and our communities thrive.

As we celebrate this momentous occasion, let us reflect on the long road that led us here and remember that we are still moving forward towards a better future for all. Kansans can find hope and inspiration in the progress that has been made, knowing that together, we can achieve great things.

Thank you for reading and stay engaged!

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Kansans Rejoice: Hope and Progress Prevail in Election 2020


Q: What is Kansans Rejoice?
A: Kansans Rejoice is a grassroots movement aimed at bringing hope and progress to Kansas through civic engagement and political activism.
Q: What happened in Election 2020?
A: In the 2020 elections, Kansas voters showed up in record numbers to elect leaders who support their values and priorities. The elections brought hope and progress to the state, as Kansans from all walks of life came together to make their voices heard.
Q: Who are the main entities behind Kansans Rejoice?
A: Kansans Rejoice is a decentralized movement that includes individuals, organizations, and communities across Kansas. It is led by a diverse group of volunteers and supporters who are committed to building a better future for all Kansans.
Q: How can I get involved with Kansans Rejoice?
A: There are many ways to get involved with Kansans Rejoice, from volunteering at events and rallies to donating funds or resources to support our work. Visit our website to learn more and join our community of activists and change-makers today.

Main Entity: Kansans Rejoice