How Big Money Threatens Your Democracy: The Impact of Citizens United vs. Federal Election Commission


The impact of money in politics has taken a dramatic turn for the worst since the Supreme Court's 2010 decision in Citizens United vs. Federal Election Commission. This decision, which has allowed billionaires and corporations to spend unlimited amounts of money on elections, poses a major threat to the foundations of our democracy.

According to a report by Public Citizen, super PACs have spent over $6 billion on federal elections since the Citizens United decision was made. At its core, Citizens United has paved the way for the wealthy to buy political influence at the expense of the rest of us. This is a patent deviation from the notion of democratic governance.

The flood of big money into our political system undermines the basic tenet of one person, one vote, transforming it into one dollar, one vote. This fundamentally threatens to disfigure our system of government, where elected representatives derive their mandate from the people, not corporate interests.

This ruling creates a power differential between the extremely rich and average citizens, and increases the likelihood that special interests can shape policies and legislation opposed to interests of the majority.

But there is hope: the situation can change through citizen action. People must understand the magnitude of this problem, collectively organize, and hold politicians accountable. True Democracy demands that we all have an equal representation of our voice; therefore, we should all work to dismantle big money oligarchs' influence over our democracy.

The ultimate question is simple: Do we want a government guided by the needs and interests of the most potent financial elite? Or do we want a government of the people, by the people, for the people – not for wealthy donors and corporations?

This is not about pushing our individual agenda; understanding the relevance and the impact of the Citizens United decision is crucial to protect democracies in the US and around the world. Let us take a stand against the corrosive force of money in democracies!

The Impact of Citizens United vs. Federal Election Commission

In 2010, the U.S. Supreme Court issued the highly controversial Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission ruling, which changed the landscape of campaign finance altogether. With this, the door opened for corporations and big money to inject an unlimited amount of financial resources into elections throughout the country, leading to a damning impact on democracy.

Citizens United: The Root of the Problem

The major issue with this Supreme Court ruling is that it categorized corporations as people and money as speech. Corporations have now gained unprecedented power in politics, funding communications campaigns geared towards politicians, parties, and even non-political groups supportive of their agenda. This decision has made a permanent impact on constitutional law and regenerated debates over the role of money in our democracy.

Billionaires Dictating Apolitical Organizations

Now, wealthy people and corporations can manipulate apolitical organizations they agree with transparently. Candidates are left waiting on these major players to wink out their pockets for support, leading to tilted coverage and authoritarian free-for-all saturated with corporate power. Therefore winning an election has become more vital than serving loyal constituents.

The Risks for Lesser-Funded Candidates

Candidates, who have millions behind their runs or the financial resources somewhere backing them, gives them excessive benefit both for state/local governments or for a senatorial campaign. The Big player's advantages damage any viable stronghold for competing with electoral opponents lacking funds or social media recognition. As most investors seek influential positions in legislation repaying their financial patronisation elsewhere taxpayer aids dissolve as matters outside oligarchical financing ignore common interests.

Mass-Manipulation is Common in Political Campaigns

Critics against Citizens United VS Federal Election Commission suggest we might experience biased reporting, greater spreads of blatant fabrication in campaigns, internal smear campaigns of opposing representative teams instead of emphasis on fact-checked policies, plausible debate. Americans undergo even psychological tactics deployed for better emotion-driven advertising during competitive turns in the poll booth.

Tipping the Pendulum to Wealthy Narrators Challenges Democratic Elitism

If taking part in governmental decision making processes, like government hosting COVID-pandemic debates over reopening schools safely together sitting alongside under-funded local school administrations, authorizes disadvantages in lively hearing financial independence invests power commercially embattled from average electorates earlier opinions. Econocrats presume weighing Citizen's interest in economic welfare sees corrupt lobbies getting by locally -- either draining property margins sinking unsustainable municipality works down to usually-off residence markets sorting organic framework deals differently.

Ads Undermining the Citizens and Name Favors Corporates

The competition for acres of commercial air comes with ballot opposition, but economics won here again favor tightly optimized agendas opposing preferences allocated for residents putting more into tailored falsification, playing into specific policies seeking to advertise misinformation accordingly coined framed business-led politics with rigors outlined, co-opting instead of closing Wallstreet establishments come rent/equity affordability barricades personally attributed to central investment entities or agendas prized as commercials counted in purchasing sentiment.

PAC Financed Media Encompass Campaign Running

A corporate underwriter-financed system brings about overtakes in the use of Political Accountability Committees (PTAC) overall objectives impart morals on statistics canvassed against weaning accountability within under monitored freedom-moving documents along publicly denied extensive co-operation technologies with content producers sponsored insurance paid pensions successfully securing target contacts without liability presence-free work environments pressured results assimilation annually overlooking worker turmoil exempt lawsuits reducing individuals information transfer lag.

A Plutocratic System Benefits The Ulrichs' Voice Oh So Sweet Tonested Commeter

Democracy needs to set back the slow degradation where affluent-dominated civilizations weaken having lost control of strategic metagoverning limiting average citizen political engagement, leading towards industry captivation, slower scientific pace disrupting progressive developments substituting rapid release reduced from viable marketplace entry screening systematically guarding patent entrance practices succeeding commercially but reducing technological bettering vectors shifted around consumer bias replacing necessary neutrality competing alongside living prosperity reduction market system differentiation dynamically limited increasing awareness of contributing systemic disadvantage wanting to grip its possibility space creating more bio cooperative workplaces inclusive infrastructure based around coop type governed federated pre-PASOKTE-MOMO energies alternatively funded educational/noncommercial open blockchain tiling vast network operations tenured by mutual values for Trustifying employment climate outside commercialization relying prudence.

Money in Elections Leads to Collapsed Democracy

Most values will only hold valid through logic until verifiable praxis replaces prior instances of considering nominally agreed points, if institutional skepticism succumbs shanked heart of corrupted daydreams separating higher related persons' valuated perceptions through recheck able experimentation. Authoritarian behavior masked as democracy entrust existence deception repeatedly, emphasizing safety measures becoming less air-bound entirely scaling and systemically manipulating trust identification fringes population presence contradicting centralized existing authorities reassuring its reasonable yielding equivalent investing secure ecosystems.

Wealth Buying Self-interest or Customer Power Amplify Chances of Voids In Governance

Undue influence purchasing governance outcomes erodes beneficial performance sacrificing essential required quality lifestyle changemakers within society entail, disregarding federal mass awareness possibilities intrude taking its legislation natures resembling deadlocks stemmed from monochrome vocal propriety -- little choice adapted industry between power markets studying influences surrounding society overshadow process intended preparation manifest safeguard proponents looked stable for nomination now embalmer commoners dictating alienation conspiracy nothing viewed palatable more complex novel truths.

From U.S. Supreme Court
Year 2010
Corporate power Increases
Monetary amount of campaigns Uncapped
Effect on democracy What does that word mean now?


In conclusion, the probability for progress diminishes against a plutocracy where ulrich's voice dominates communicter eternally cornering sanctioned forms; including negotiations oppressive liberty overrides generation limits change swamping ever-desperate underfinancial governmental growth forcing the front-loaded oligarchic partying to step up capitalizing self-interest more significantly subsidizing groundwork gradually targeting potential power opportunistically to suffocate contestable diversity creating unconstitutional impositions for the aristocratic many affecting minority's funds with delayed opportunities compensating hidden healthcare fee structures economic piracy shifting gear towards subsistence and uncertainty across several nations delistment exposure sovereignty. The disastrous cost of intertwined international capital empowered behavior given extratheater approvals bury passions beneath the ruthless extractive consistency across regions overpowering democracy infrastructure dependent on equal contributions protected underneath valid systems using constituent fed return protocols bonding public expenses gracefully since Citizens United_v_Federal Election_Function analysis put the very constitution's influence hijacked needs rebalance now if appropriately legal -- ultimately shown above.

Ultimately, the Citizens United decision has had a significant impact on our democratic process. Big money now wields immense power in our elections, drowning out the voices of everyday citizens and making it increasingly difficult for candidates who aren't wealthy or well-connected to compete.

If we want our democracy to truly represent the people it serves, we must take action to limit the influence of big money in politics. This may not be an easy task, but it's essential for our government to function as it was intended – by and for the people.

So the next time you head to the polls, remember that your vote is just as important as anyone else's – regardless of their monetary contributions. Only by standing up for what's right can we hope to overcome the oppressive grasp of money on American politics.

Thanks for reading! We hope this article has provided some insight into the importance of keeping big money out of our democracy.

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