Feeling Hopeful: A Look at the Maryland General Election Results


Feeling Hopeful: A Look at the Maryland General Election Results

Are you tired of being inundated with bad news about politics? If so, you'll be pleased to hear that the 2020 Maryland general election produced some incredibly hopeful results that could be a sign of positive things to come.

Did you know that voter turnout in Maryland for this election regularly exceeded 70%? This is a huge step up from prior years and shows that people are serious about exercising their right to vote.

There were also more women and minorities elected to political office than ever before in Maryland, which brings a wealth of diverse experiences and perspectives into our government.

But perhaps the most encouraging aspect of the Maryland general election was the overwhelming support for progressive policies. The state voted to approve Question 2, which will establish a permanent funding source for education in the state, and Question 1, which will expand the right to vote to citizens on parole and probation.

It's important to celebrate these bright spots in our political landscape because they show that change is possible. We need to stay engaged with politics and hold our elected officials accountable for creating policies that benefit everyone.

If you'd like to feel hopeful about the future of politics again, take a closer look at the results of the Maryland general election. They just might convince you that progress is indeed possible.

Feeling Hopeful: A Look at the Maryland General Election Results


The state of Maryland has historically been a democratic stronghold, with little to no hope for Republicans to take any significant offices. Nonetheless, 2020 proved to be an exciting year for registered Maryland voters with more than 90% of eligible voters registered to vote. The energy and sentiment surrounding the elections in the state ran high, with hopes both high and low prevailing. In this article, we take a deep dive into the 2020 election results and find out if one popular sentiment ruled over the other.

The Governor’s Race: Hogan v. Jealous

The governor’s race between the formidable incumbent, Governor Larry Hogan, and Ben Jealous proved to be tight. Hogan is a well-liked public figure in the state, and he made a guarantee to govern from the center irrespective of his affiliation, which increased his traction statewide. Ben Jealous, on the other hand, was the first-ever openly socialist candidate in recent memory, who ran on the promise of progressive policies that safeguard the general population with once-in-a-lifetime sweeping initiatives that push equal action and re-imagining security standards.

Impressment Primary Win Over Ruppersberger Exposed Republican Weakness

Incredible as it may seem, for the first time since elected to Congress in 2002, Maryland Democratic Congressman Dutch Ruppersberger drew an opponent in the Democratic primary in MD's Second Congressional District. A fourteen-term incumbent, Ruppersberger went toe-to-toe with Johnny Ray Salling, a five-term state senator without much credibility outside his senate seat. This year the congresswoman did not sail through like before, and Ruppersberger's victory came at a cost exposing a tiny Republican weakness.

The Baltimore City Mayoral Race: Jack Young vs. Brandon Scott--A Study in Contrasts

Governing Baltimore City has never been easy; however, current mayor Jack Young stepped up to the role in the midst of a pandemic, social unrest persistent in the Country, soaring violence, and unprecedented unemployment levels; and Baltimore experienced two mayors resigning amidst scandal over a four-year period. While in the City Council, Brandon Scott developed himself as methodical and vocal, frequently falling out of favor over issues like funding of contracts to transport children to schools in certain aspects. Mr. Scott won the Baltimore City Democratic Party Mayor look during most of the battles without $1 spent on voter communication in one of the uphill climbs yet seen in the city's history.

Democrat House Takeover Doubtful

The Democrat takeover of the House of Delegates will be highly unlikely again anytime after the election saw no constitutional offices changed hands. Though not revealing any significant mobilization in the Republican base shown by running officially contested almost everywhere across the state besides not having maximum resources, Democrats see a silver lining in doing the groundwork in anticipation of more competitive electoral cycles.

Senate Stays Sized Same

This election left the balance of power essentially perfect between Republicans and Democrats sitting in the Senate, finalizing shore political power odds for 2022 remnants fairly likely a tale of reliable results shooting for Democratic incumbents in races that tilt elsewhere going highly valued.

The Candidates: Who Won the Vote?

Race Candidate Votes
Governor Larry Hogan (R) 1,447,214
Governor Ben Jealous (D) 976,397
House 02 Johnny Ray Salling (R) 101,734
House 02 Dutch Ruppersberger (D) 145,856
Baltimore City Mayor Jack Young (D) 87,827
Baltimore City Mayor Brandon Scott (D) 143,834

The Presidential Race: How Votes Shook Out Statewide

The presidential race in Maryland in 2020 is imminent and backed to empower Joe Biden. A liberal-communal position prevailed overwhelmingly with minimum independent persuasion while about 35% voted colored the national polling margin-by-margin countering Republican-leaning territories that deliver attractive inventory unique throughout some dynamic states voting narratives prevailing simultaneously through mainstream news networks and social media.

Final Thoughts: What Does This Mean for the Future?

This can be most reassuring for progressive strategies in Maryland politics because, given a majority toward movements leaning democrat- held office victories throughout many senators and representatives inspiring positive progression throughout congress. Moreover, ensuring community leaders pushing in support tremendously enhances our goals and values aimed towards shared prioritization that greatly integrates today; which dispels gridlock policies tilting important delegating an impact in the present and set prudential choices to successfully completed systematic changes gaining traction within coming years.


In this overview of the 2020 Maryland General Elections, voters throughout the state exercised their civil duty and rights across local, regional, and national elections. While efforts made around hopeful messages concentrated within communities regardless of political affiliations remain necessary, rather relevant civic conscientization alternatives continually reveal higher viable results shifting democracy portrayal, emphasising fact engagement matters!

In conclusion, the Maryland General Election Results have left many feeling hopeful about the future direction of the state. The diverse range of candidates elected, as well as the positive initiatives passed, signify progress towards a more inclusive and just society. May we continue to work towards a brighter future for all in Maryland.

Thank you for reading!

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