Emotional Rollercoaster: Maryland Election Results Affecting Our Future


Emotional Rollercoaster: Maryland Election Results Affecting Our Future

Have you been following the recent election in Maryland? Did the results surprise you, or were they expected? Have you thought about how these results will affect your future?

Let's face it, politics can sometimes make our heads spin like a rollercoaster. One minute we're on top of the world, and the next, we're plummeting downwards. But despite the ups and downs, Maryland's election results will have real-world consequences.

Did you know that Maryland has one of the highest median household incomes in the United States? With such a prosperous state, you might wonder why elections matter so much.

The reality is that elections determine who has power and who makes the decisions that affect our lives. These decisions impact everything from taxes to education to healthcare.

So, the question remains: How will the election results impact you?

Let's start with healthcare. Did you know that more than 300,000 Marylanders are enrolled in the Affordable Care Act (ACA)? That's a lot of people who rely on the ACA for their healthcare needs. But with recent attempts to dismantle the ACA, many Marylanders are left wondering what's next.

Then there's education. As a parent, you want your child to receive a quality education. But did you know that Maryland ranks among the bottom states for education funding? The election results could mean big changes in education funding, leaving you worried about your child's future.

Finally, there's taxes. Let's face it, no one likes paying taxes. But they are necessary to keep our state and country running. With the recent federal tax reform, the state of Maryland stands to lose millions of dollars in revenue. What does that mean for you? Potential cuts to important programs and services you rely on.

As you can see, elections have a real impact on your future. Don't leave it to chance. Educate yourself on the issues and the candidates running for office. Vote for those who align with your values and care about the things that matter most to you.

It's never too late to make a difference.)

The Maryland Election Results

The recent Maryland election brought in a wave of emotion for the state and the country. Maryland’s governor, Larry Hogan, won his reelection. And native-born, Brenton Davis became one of the youngest elected officials in the House of Delegates representing the central region of Maryland. He also became the first African American to hold that office. At the same time, the Democrats took control of the U.S. House of Representatives. How does this affect our future?

The Good:

Larry Hogan‘s wins signal attractiveness of some Republican policies. Davis will remind us of inequality and poverty in our city.

The Bad:

The election results heavily favored people in the southern and rural areas, leaving out gains for Baltimore’s populous. The organization Progress Maryland contributed $11 million to defeat governor Larry Hogan by depicting him as anti-Trump.

Maryland legislative snapshot:

Emergence of young candidates like McKenzie Meyer could mean youth involvement – hopefully. Republican newcomer, Joe Cluster failed to win crucial race for county council seat in Baltimore County despite his political qualification published in the Baltimore Sun.


It has been said that democracy involves choices, risks, and also inherent anxiety. This attitude mirrors the campaign trails for both Hogan and his progressive opponent Ben Jealous. It reminds of Hillary Clinton’s 90% chance of winning versus Trump’s unconventional victory. Expectations are important, but concern and future thinking would help produce some collective response in elections. Hogan’s win proved that President Trump’s policies may work on a bipartisan scale. Democrats winning the U.S House was spearheaded by progressives, dissenting communities, and other social groups ready to defend the rights of minorities considering the abrasive nature of the president’s comments by segments of society.

Republican Win Democratic Win
Governorship -
State legislature control -
County executive race -

Future Prospects:

Maryland’s upcoming legislative session includes investing $1 billion in high schools, preparations for the International Monetary Fund visit, community policing studies alongside geographical expansion and poverty tourism. With all the expectations courted by the different parties during the electioneering we wait with bated breath for these future prospects to unfold in our present reality, hopefully in a decisive and positive way so every one benefits


The emotions associated with election results have given pop way to emergence and symbolism of political figures. Youthful indecisiveness is replaced by a sense of reason married with opportunity. People vote according to their affinity to certain trends and beliefs, however, more emotional than rational reaction reigning. Now moving ahead, implementation towards upholding future and would of benefit depends mostly on individual actions responding to policies implemented.election over, responsibility begins from every individual