Emotional roller coaster: Witness the impact of Malaysia's election results


Get ready to hop on an emotional roller coaster as we explore the aftermath of Malaysia's election results. Did the underdogs stun the crowd with a landslide victory, or did their opponents sweep the floor with them? With emotions running high across the country, political enthusiasts and everyday citizens alike are holding their breaths for answers as to what comes next.

Is this the end for a dominant political party that had held onto power for over 60 years? Shocking results showed the once unbeatable ruling party being crushed by a previously unknown opposition coalition, causing its supporters to go into a frenzy. However, it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows for the winners as they faced roadblocks almost immediately after taking the reins from the losing party.

What do these results mean for Southeast Asia's third-largest economy and its future direction? Malaysians from all walks of life are keenly observing how the country will be under new leadership. With tight economic conditions strapped to both authoritarianism and nationalism, there are widespread concerns regarding its freedom of democratic choice and stamp out ethnicity in politics.

The country's historic results were recorded with high voter turnout, thanks to millennial involvement in politics. After decades of apathy in relation to corruption and transparency, young voters decided it was about time they chose which direction Malaysia should take. Studies indicated that approximately 70% of the younger and non-Chinese groups lean much to the opposition coalition. Youngsters wanted fresh news on national media as opposed to those owned directly or indirectly by UMNO, Barisan Nasional's prime component.

Curious about how a predominantly Muslim nation like Malaysia responded to political issues concerning ethical beliefs and standards? The race for power witnessed enthused zeal amongst not the main faiths (Malays) but the Chinese Buddhist with more than 70% bouncing out of BN with gusto for the victory. An upheaval that sent jitters through Barisan Nasional's backbone as it boasts itself as the youth's party.

So, what now? How will Malaysia move forward regarding upholding democracy and dissociation from racial favoritism in politics? Will the nation go through policy changes in its various ministries' work ethic? Join this emotional ride and find out firsthand.

It won't hurt to explore Malaysia's mood swings - from ecstatic cries of triumph to furrowed brows of anxiety, yet only one article will offer plenty of solutions – so stick around!


On the 9th May 2018, Malaysia hit a historic moment after their general election. It was dubbed the 'most fiercely contested election in Malaysian history'. Malaysians around the world were on an emotional roller coaster ride as they awaited the results without knowing what their future holds. This article will examine the highs and lows of the day that left many emotionally drained.

The calm before the storm

The anticipation prior to the election day was exciting but nervousness filled the air. After years being plagued with various political corruption allegations, people- Malaysians in general- hoped for a fair and free election. Prime minister, Datuk Seri Najib was highly criticised with populist opposition figure Dr Mahathir Mohamad determined to unseat him from power.

‘Barely holding it together’

As the polling stations started to close, Twitter bust into flames- anxiety and excitement time-old emotion of every competitive scene suddenly gripped Malaysians who patiently wait for the election results unfold in Abu Dhabi. Nik Izzat Izuddin tweeted: “Barely holding it together waiting for Malaysia’s election results”.

Unforeseeable veracity unveil

The time came for the results to be announced by Malaysia election authorities who verified Pakatan Harapan’s stunning Election night victory over Barisan Nasional. Dr Mahathir Mohamad was officially announced Malaysia’s seventh prime minister, at 92-years-old marking becoming the oldest elected leader in the world. The stadium erupted and tearful joy ensued as he walked the crowd. The upset saw Abdul Rahman Dahlan claim on television that the election is unlikely to have a winner which left wounds bruised beyond party lines adding insults to injuries.

A collective swell of emotions

En Mas Saari Losong bared his emotions: “Family members thought I had gone crazy posting updates at 3am in Malaysia, but their joys are my joys!”. The online surge of emotions caused some Malaysians overseas to ‘finally channel our support boldly’. Digital natives found rescuing social media channels and find resonance; joined by Singapore-based Malaysia Community page member Timothy Siew keyed the trends providing live updates and resharing post-poster, allowing followers to sync its victory with the feel-good factor come time to celebrate.

Political Upheaval

Across Malaysia infamous buildings such as those housing Bank Negara and Petronas offices were flooded with opposition's energised supporters reveling equally taking in political liftoff. Prices of National commodities settled immediately In his inaugural address, prominent character and new Prime Minister Dr Mahathir promised that he would perform a historic mentoring role. He said that while shocked to be bestowed the trust of the nation again mentioning that a record has been translated here.. tonight we have made history. Takings cues from events across Eastern Asia charting shifts seen on lookouts almost relative disruption of multinationals from Wilmar International to Sumitomo Corporation who chose risk-taking spirits kickstart the start-ups aiming contemporary Southeast aspirations.

Beyond Political views and Ethics

We move beyond just comparing news or politically heavy events making direct comparisons it marked Malaysia’s significant anniversary since the turn of the 20th century or... did it? The size of Malaysia comparatively makes voting a low value undertaking a problem is representative government ie the nub of democracy cannot thrive if built on expensive grandstanding as defined in Brazil’s newest president elect view; Its more about peoples satisfaction of right through nationhood iconography unwaveringly anchored, people of Malaysia valued their voice above all differences that drew the curtain along career politicians exposing underlying ethics egotism face faced greater issues - communal considerations mutual respect acknowledging consensus through town talks identified voters hung even after official twitter feeds had dawned favourably upon the opium educated yet rather humble reverend.


The outcome poses serious risks specifically to other quasi-democracies worldwide. Western government leaders soon woke up to the scenario hence stated having hoped for a shift in Malayan economic exports now regarded with caution their message cryptic much 'good luck' expressions heretofore not known. Those in New York equity boutiques monitored FTSE Bursa's slump not likely due to 'thrill' later to I knew when it was turning point shows arrogance still. Journalists expect some pointed questions and China waits and evaluates pull-ins on One Belt One Road techniques being playing cards of the hour.

International Outlook

Mahathir's strong rhetoric of identifying the cause of Malaysia's problems with the previous prime minister served out swiftly and efficiently simultaneously inviting malay sentiments especially Tabung Haji media-shown as recipients affirmed with cheers surrounding expanding opportunities abundant to count that serve high population volumes. Certainty heard albeit subjectively. However, Trump’s America first and progressive branding suggested shakeups including those leaving European Union potentially factors dictating strongholds might entail if Malaysia eventually impedes revenues emerging empire economies are really incentivised by high savings relatively cheap labour markets harder containment of bankruptcy.

The Day After syndrome

Most Malaysians fighting sleep realised what has just taken place while sleep eventually won of terror silence returned became sobering with a headache survivor feeling very puzzled different dimensions each “occurrence”. Dr Mahathir launched an astonishing barrage at latter ally for Najib, accusing his leadership of placing himself above the citizens instead attacking corrupt practices performed within administrative perogatives next week promises change in identifying assets mysterious slips via complicated hidden emails, pledges firmly keeping hope alive to beat neo-liberalism as countries turn more anti-globalisation, locally floating exchanges could habitually benefit over time.

Benefits Associated with The Election

Article polls conducted to evaluate quite indiscriminately the benefits associated with Malaysias Latest election and it's political stance showed agreed reduction is dictatorship is the way to deal with conducting national affairs republics tend to flail because those posing control legislation which could see extension of civic input present themselves feigning public stakeholder incentives rekindling exactly authenticity the perfect teamwork to advance globalised culture?


The opposition win was hashtagged #MalaysiaKuBerubah viewed as historic because no Malaysia Prime Minister had won non-stop elections always forced to elections rig fears our remains largely centered amidst President Trump alongside Russian President Putin whose wild missile diplomatic stints dampened the familiar encounters ahead of midterms led by the charismatic septuagenarian known humbly before only as Dr M, however Mahatir continues to inspire successive generations been observer to both catalyst and consequences to his twenty-two year tenure holding the flight plan of Malay's arguably the worlds most fascinating principalities

Emotions are part of the human condition, and there's nothing wrong with feeling them. Watching Malaysia's recent election results highlights the full range of emotions that people are capable of experiencing. The ups and downs of this roller coaster ride prove that change can be difficult but also rewarding.

No matter what your views on the election are, it's essential to recognize the impact they have had on the country and its people. As the dust settles, it will be fascinating to see how Malaysians come together to move forward and create a better future for all.

So, hang in there, fellow bumpy riders! Remember that with every high and low, we learn and grow. Change may be unpredictable, but it is always necessary for progress. Thank you for reading, and stay tuned for more exciting experiences!

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Emotional Roller Coaster: Witness the Impact of Malaysia's Election Results

What were the Malaysia election results?

The 2018 Malaysian general election resulted in a historic victory for the opposition coalition, Pakatan Harapan, which defeated the long-ruling Barisan Nasional party.

What was the impact of the election results?

The election results had a significant emotional impact on Malaysians, with many experiencing feelings of shock, joy, and hope. The peaceful transition of power marked a major milestone in Malaysian history and has led to a number of changes in the country's political landscape.

What is the emotional roller coaster?

The emotional roller coaster refers to the intense emotions experienced by Malaysians during and after the 2018 general election. The unexpected outcome of the election and the subsequent changes in the political landscape left many feeling elated, anxious, and uncertain.

How can I learn more about the Malaysia election results?

There are a number of resources available online where you can learn more about the Malaysia election results and their impact. It is recommended that you consult a variety of sources to get a comprehensive understanding of the issue.
