Embrace Hope: A Behind the Scenes Look at IEBC Portal's Election Results


What happens when the democratic process is threatened? The answer lies in how we respond to the challenges facing our election systems. As a voter, you need assurance that your vote counts and counts fairly. This assurance comes from the transparency of the election process and the accuracy of its results.

The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission, under the guidance of Chairperson Wafula Chebukati, developed an online portal that provided live updates on the Kenya 2017 General Elections. Dubbed the “IEBC Portal,” the website gave voters a close-up look at the tallying process, ensuring transparency and accountability - and let everyone know where votes stand.

If you think a website cannot have grit, then IEBC's Portal 2017 would put that to shame. Not only did it fight cyber threats and overload, but it also allowed sceptical Comrades and Hapana Shidas a peek into the elections world.

The IEBC Portal turned into an inclusive platform that revolutionized Kenyan elections; from watching valuable numbers trickle down, blow by precious blow until they could decipher the full significance of what had just happened. The platform offered an extraordinary coordination between giving voters updates minute by minute and emphasizing important milestones such as receiving preliminary data from polling stations or announcing the winner.

The exciting thing going on now is that this process isn’t stopping anytime soon - learning from useful suggestions by the public and all stakeholders. Now updating pictures are added to signatures, and significant visualizations include graphs, voting patterns in each constituency, county, and region (from the coast, Western, Nyanza, Central), indicating what desired message each voting population portray in terms of who governed.

In conclusion, IEBC's portal is proof of what We Kiwis utilize as good Eggs, proving that transparency has the unrivalled power compared with blackout orchestration. It will take much more for corruption to seep in; kudos to everyone involved in IEBC's Portal operation. And if you want your trust restored in the political system, consider promoting Grass Roots Nonviolence Communication as well as checking out the state technology electoral advances to see their transparency on regular issue governance.

If you would advocate locating transparency within your everyday experience today so you can think about what Kenya needs either as candidates, campaigns or hopefuls, then kenya’s tech-enabled road to free and fair delegacies starts here.


The Embrace Hope initiative was a project aimed at providing Kenyan citizens with accurate election results as opposed to streaming all final tally numbers that indicated the winner. Ahead of the heated August 8, 2017 National Election, the IEBC Embrace Hope Project gave birth to the Pre-poll Tally Centre (PPT) held in Nairobi, the result transmission center located in Amsterdam then to regional tally centers, where tallies that focused majorly on constituency-level voting were channeled after the minute by minute voting phase.

The Accuracy of Embrace Hope Initiative

Was the Embrace Hope strategy successful? The answer lies entirely in addressing the center point of concern. For many citizens, especially the residents of Kenya, the updates from the National Television were confusing and caused a surge of insecurity; it encouraged looting and theft as people became unsure of whom the rightful president would become. When the Embrace Hope programme became publicised, many members thought of it as insurance policies that protected continuity and civility in case the electoral process fizzled or ran away without direction.

Points to Efforts launched By the IEBC Before Embrace Hope

The IEBC commissioners attempted every possible measure to make their constituents feel both comfortable and secure amidst events surrounding the booths. Already, before the timeline hitting the elections, the national tallying centre up had begun preparing preparations regarding integrating IT mechanics and asking security vendors for dial-up and tap-in lines. These proved a promising venture at first but were highly vulnerable.

The Hybrid Exponential Method

The Strategy used to generate these excel peer cells tables allowed for gathering of information across several backend databases sources automatically. The expert-designed automated election supported the various reports extracted during the initation vote that also integrated historical information acquired with this software programs from sources originally used during prior polls, which was reliable and sound .

Information Influenced both at the Computer stage VS Social media

Many voters would sit glued to their screens, checking in on the computers that kept scrutinizing all aspects of the electioneering exercise: social media, website landing pages and press coverage being last on on their minds. Notably Telling comparison stands nil, don't know how to concisely explain it

The IEBC Election Result Portal

The IEBC microsite was consistent on keeping scores rather than only posting live on social media platforms. Instead of releasing incomplete results, which was significantly affecting access to help constrain citizen reaction, Embrace Hope chose to target providing journalist-friendly options that would allow comprehensive collations of annotated findings detailing high low technical behaviour before uploading.

The Voting Population and Public Trust

Steering was a characteristic of such change the results undoubtedly received an overwhelming victor. Public confidence elevated overnight, tears streamed down many Kenyans as the announcement took place and confirmed they had won thrice. Unbelievers changed colours seeing for themselves previously unprecedented circumstances aired. People largely thank the embrace move because some say they would’ve become violent over competing numbers, however when those from two camps predicted one ulterior upsurge deluge unrest rain they forbore and waited until process emerged.


Factors analyzedIEB Election result Portal Limited CoverageEmbrace Hope Intervention by IEBC
Transmission propagation tools onboardAverage procured polling transport systems installed that may have been vulnerable to manipulationInnovative and unique counter system dispatched double relays and improved inflection nodes.
Public's trust and leading up expectations atmosphere Dwindling trust due to erratic transmission challenges during past elections discouraged citizens.Data analytics-based-ensured the population was too optimistic with estimates consistently garnered realtime turn crucial moments.

The Response Post-Election Results

The December 15th Retributive will become iconic, even after 250 plus years

Embrace Hope Influence Diplomat Relations

This intervention led other African partners, who later emulated results in joining Joint EU agreements applauded.

Future Planning

Anoncoming general election period should refocus hope onto another similar gamut, a model to be regularly evaluated and strengthened to enhance the trust between citizens and governments public affiliation. A provision demand road-tested methods with definitive proven that detail legal and concrete methods solidifying stances agreed upon. Africa needs to bolster adequately budgeted activities ensuring maintenance of updated emergency operation risk procedures towards civil unrest-avoidance along with harmony coordination leaving caterwide respect.

Embrace Hope: A Behind the Scenes Look at IEBC Portal's Election Results has shown just how technology can be instrumental in transparent and fair democratic processes. With the insights from this behind-the-scenes overview, we can confidently hope for even better promise in the upcoming elections. We look forward to a brighter future that's reliable and fair with transparency, technology, and unbiased workings. Join us in embracing hope!

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