A Shaky Future for France: Unmasking What the French Election Holds for Us


A Shaky Future for France: Unmasking What the French Election Holds for Us

France, the birthplace of democracy, is holding its breath as it approaches one of its most critical presidential elections. This election served as an emotional issue both in and outside the country. Hence, the world awaits this election result as it will have a massive impact on international relations with France.

If Emmanuel Macron fails to maintain his position, the future of France could be a backslide concerning economic growth and immigration. This article will review the latest events, reasons behind the unrest, and how France could face upheavals leading up to the election, and after the election results are being made public.

Is There a Reproduction of Donald Trump and Brexit Reality?

We all saw how the Brexit battle has started dragging down European countries to break from countries driven by far-right sentiment, leading the candidates into several geopolitical calamities—the United States influenced by similar decision making elect Donald Trump.

Aren't the French presidential elections leading towards the same doomed path? The answer isn't very clear just yet, but one thing can be firmly held; the left-wing persuades deeper cuts on expenditures cut disastrous, while more moderates leaning right-wing or center reject excess border control policies.

Is Supporting Referendum for France a wise Option?

As the runoff heats up before the election, far-right leader Marine Le Pen strengthens the immigrants' help in eliminating many criminal kinds of terror legislation. Voters questioned whether it would be sensible to back France's potential withdrawal from the current trend of the European proposition known as the Schengen Agreement.

If significantly supported, this referendum will allow France, when necessary, to abandon vital aspect developments reinforced since 1985 in self-governing, multi-border travel without implementing documents.

Could Macron Have the Answer?

Emmanuel Macron's victory last round did surge controversy through advocates of Marine Lepin's condition, but more peaceful administrations recommended. It needs various implementation systems that fill the missing spaces to gauge the capacity for applying any last-minute maneuvering or extensive deviations possibility would take France as a wild card causing a lot of panic to European countries stable cohesion.

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, the decision for France's next president may stir different turnout concerning disasters awaiting in foreign perception. Far-right contender Marine le Pen controlled domestic policies, pushing racist influence onto the rank of power within only thirty years later after suffering schism on European projects & France's possible falling against terrorist activities. With one week to go, Emmanuel Macron holds the clue for bringing stability over France society now vulnerable in the ground of finance, unstable tax proposals by politicians, and best enforcing a safer, reliable communal approach before and post-election.

Come what May; France determines continental processes like economics, integration, anti-terrorism, and Muslim Afro-Migrant support going through a chaotic route or blazing a steady trajectory under President's moderation; Five-year span.


The impending French election has caused a great deal of concern and speculation across Europe and beyond. Three candidates are vying to become the next president, and each comes with their own agenda and set of ideas for the future. In this article, we will look at what each candidate represents and what the potential outcome of this election means for France and the wider world.

Candidate #1: Marine Le Pen

Who is Marine Le Pen?

Perhaps the most controversial of the three candidates, Marine Le Pen promises a radical change in France's policies if she is voted president. Le Pen is the leader of the right-wing National Front party, which is known for its extreme nationalist views, anti-immigrant sentiment, and Euroscepticism.

What Are Le Pen's Politics?

Le Pen's policies include measures such as banning the burqa, curbing immigration significantly, suspending EU rules on free movement, and calling for a French exit from the eurozone. Her vision for France is one that puts the country first, and she believes in increasing protectionism and emphasizing national sovereignty.

Candidate #2: Emmanuel Macron

Who is Emmanuel Macron?

A newcomer to the political scene, Emmanuel Macron is hoping to shake things up as an independent candidate who doesn't belong to any established party. His background as a businessman and former economy minister under President Hollande gives him a unique perspective.

What Are Macron's Politics?

Macron's campaign promises center around revitalizing France's economy, achieving greater European integration, and enacting significant labor reform. He advocates for a liberal approach to globalization, viewing it as an opportunity rather than a threat to France's economic and cultural identity.

Candidate #3: François Fillon

Who is François Fillon?

François Fillon is a veteran politician within France's traditional mainstream right party, the Republicans. He previously served as Prime Minister for five years under former President Sarkozy.

What Are Fillon's Politics?

Fillon's policies revolve around implementing sweeping economic reforms, reducing public spending, and encouraging businesses to invest more in France. He supports closer European integration whilst calling for France to regain some control over its own affairs.

What Does the Future Hold for France?

The winner of the French election will have significant implications not just for France but for the rest of the world. Depending on the policies enacted, it could lead to a reshaping of Europe, strains on international relationships, or the collapse of the European Union altogether. The results of this election will set a precedent for the rest of Europe's politics as well. If successful, Le Pen could mark the rise of the far-right across Europe. Similarly, votes towards Fillon or Macron could indicate that progressive politics are still a valid option.

Comparison Table

Marine Le Pen Emmanuel Macron François Fillon
Background Nationalist and Eurosceptic Independent with a business background Veteran politician within the mainstream right
Main Policies Ban the burqa, curb immigration, leave the Eurozone Revitalize economy, significant labor reform, greater European integration Economic reforms, reduce public spending, regain national control
Impact on the Future Could lead to the rise of the far-right internationally Liberals could maintain influence throughout Europe Policies could demonstrate the validation of centrist, progressive ideas


In conclusion, the French election holds immense importance for the future of France and beyond. The candidate elected will prove a monumental factor in shaping contemporary global politics, determining international relations in the years to come. Be holding so much weight - including the potential dissolution of the European Union - the prospect of the French election requires all of our attention.

As the French elections loom, we can't help but anticipate what is to come for one of the largest economies in Europe. Is a shaky future for France possible? Absolutely. What happens in France could have long-lasting effects not just for Europe, but for the rest of us. It is crucial that we, as global citizens, stay informed and engaged in politics, regardless of nationality or ideology.

We hope this blog has provided some insights into what lies ahead for France and its citizens. Keep an eye out for the election results and continue to seek out credible sources for news and analysis. We urge everyone to stay optimistic and focused on building a better future for us all. The world needs strong, stable democracies and leadership, now more than ever.

Thank you for reading.

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A Shaky Future for France: Unmasking What the French Election Holds for Us

This article discusses the potential outcomes of the upcoming French election and how they could affect the future of France and the rest of the world.

ABC News

What is the French election?

The French election is a national election held every five years to elect the President of France and members of the National Assembly.

Why is the French election important?

The French election is important because France is a major European power and the outcome of the election could have significant implications for the future of Europe and the rest of the world.

What are the potential outcomes of the French election?

There are several potential outcomes of the French election, including the election of a far-right candidate who could destabilize the European Union, the re-election of Emmanuel Macron who would likely continue his current policies, or the election of a left-wing candidate who could push for major reforms.

How will the French election affect the rest of the world?

The French election could affect the rest of the world in several ways, such as through changes in French foreign policy or the impact on the global economy. The outcome of the election could also have implications for other European countries and the future of the European Union.
